In May, 1963, when Evangelist Billy Graham came to Paris fora campaign, the French magazine Arts devoted several satiri-cal columns to his appearance, titling its report, " La voix deDieu a l accent de Minneapolis. " Four weeks later the firstDecision magazine School of Christian Writing opened underthe auspices of The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association-in Minneapolis. In launching the school we did not presume to claim that thevoice of God had a Minneapolis accent, but we did venture thehope that out of the annual event would come a band of young,fresh, spirited authors who would speak for God to this gene-ration -- in an evangelistic accent. We looked for talentedwriters who would interpret the saving gospel of Jesus Christ inthe idiom of a new generation. Among the hundreds of young Christians who have attendedthe school during the past six years, Peter Gillquist was un-forgettable. Tall, blond, Scandinavian, eloquent, Peterbrought with him a national reputation as a campus evangelist.For him it was a homecoming, for he holds diplomas fromWashburn High School and the University of Minnesota. Dur-ing our days together God gave him a vision of the power of theprinted word to win men. I am excited about this, Gillquist s first book, not just be-cause it breathes a captivating style, but because it carries theauthentic stamp of the man and his tremendous zeal for Christ.The message he proclaims is one to which his contemporarieswill respond; of that I have no doubt. It carries the flair and tangof a generation that is trailblazing for the Lord. May God give ita great run, and prove Himself anew to us all. |