最 低 价:¥19.30
定 价:¥169.50
作 者:Antoinette L. Matlins,Antonio C. Bonanno 著
出 版 社:Gemstone Pr
I S B N:9780943763200
"Almost every newly engaged couple is eager to know as much as possible about their once-in-a-lifetime purchase . . . the diamond engagement ring . . . take(s) the guesswork out of this important decision . . . be able to obtain the best value for your money. -- Modern Bride"Recommended reading . . . for any couple about to get engaged." -- Paul Harvey, Paul Harvey News |
Antoinette L. Matlins, P.G., is an internationally respected gem and jewelry expert, author, lecturer and popular media guest. Her books are widely used throughout the world by consumers and professionals in the gem and jewelry field alike. Antonio C. Bonanno, F.G.A., A.S.A., M.G.A., was one of America's most distinguished gemologists. For over 40 years, he was President of National Gem Appraising Laboratory, and Director of Columbia School of Gemology in Silver Spring, Maryland. |