PREFACE TO THE EIGHTH EDITION xxxiii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xliii The Middle Ages (to ca.14858 ) Introduction Anglo-Saxon Literature Anglo-Norman Literature Middle English Literature in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries Medieval English Old and Middle English Prosody Timeline ANGLO-SAXON LITERATURE BEDE (ca.673–735) and CÆDMON’S HYMN An Ecclesiastical History of the English People [The Story of Cædmon] THE DREAM OF THE ROOD BEOWULF translated by Seamus Heaney JUDITH KING ALFRED (849–899) Preface to the Pastoral Care THE WANDERER THE WIFE’S LAMENT ANGLO-NORMAN LITERATURE THE ANGLO-SAXON CHRONICLE [Obituary for William the Conqueror] legendary histories of britain GEOFFREY OF MONMOUTH: The History of the Kings of Britain [The Story of Brutus and Diana’s Prophecy] WACE: Le Roman de Brut [The Roman Challenge] LAYAMON: Brut [Arthur’s Dream] THE MYTH OF ARTHUR’S RETURN Geoffrey of Monmouth: From The History of the Kings of Britain Wace: From Le Roman de Brut Layamon: From Brut Celtic contexts EXILE OF THE SONS OF UISLIU THOMAS OF ENGLAND: Le Roman de Tristran [The Deaths of Tristran and Ysolt] MARIE DE FRANCE Lanval Chevrefoil ANCRENE RIWLE (Rule for Anchoresses) [The Parable of the Christ-Knight] MIDDLE ENGLISH LITERATURE IN THE FOURTEENTH AND FIFTEENTH CENTURIES SIR GAWAIN AND THE GREEN KNIGHT (ca. 1375–1400) GEOFFREY CHAUCER (ca.1343–1400) the canterbury tales The General Prologue Summary: The Knight’s Tale The Miller’s Prologue and Tale The Prologue The Tale The Man of Law’s Epilogue The Wife of Bath’s Prologue and Tale The Prologue The Tale The Pardoner’s Prologue and Tale The Introduction The Prologue …… The Sixteenth Century (1485–1603) Index A |