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The New York Times Cup of Crosswords: 75 Easy-to-Medium Crossword Puzzles

The New York Times Cup of Crosswords: 75 Easy-to-Medium Crossword Puzzles

最 低 价:¥12.00

定 价:¥69.90

作 者:The New York Times

出 版 社:St. Martins Griffin


I S B N:9780312339555



"[Will Shortz] is the crossword king."- Steve Kroft, 60 Minutes"The prince of crossword puzzlers."- Greenwich Magazine"The Riddler's got nothing on Will Shortz."- Time Out New York"Will Shortz is [the crossword book world's] John Grisham."- Martin Arnold


Unwind Your Mind!Millions of solvers across the country know that nothing relaxes, refreshes, and reinvigorates mentally like the New York Times crossword puzzles. So if you feel stressed out, worn down, or just in need of a break, why not take a crack at these seventy-five easy- to mid-week puzzles from the Times and editor Will Shortz? You may find it s as wholesome, nourishing, and reassuring as a good cup of...alphabet soup.* 75 Great, eye-opening New York Times puzzles edited by crossword great Will Shortz* Fun, solvable crossword puzzles* Fresh, exciting vocabulary and creative puzzle construction


Will Shortz has been the crossword puzzle editor of The New York Times since 1993. Mr. Shortz founded both the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament, where he serves as director, and the World Puzzle Championship, where he is the captain of the U.S. team. He is the current Puzzlemaster for "Weekend Edition Sunday"on National Public Radio.





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