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The Complete Idiots Guide to Microsoft Office 95/Book and Cd-Rom

The Complete Idiots Guide to Microsoft Office 95/Book and Cd-Rom

最 低 价:¥20.00

定 价:¥199.90

作 者:Sherry Kinkoph

出 版 社:Que


I S B N:9780789704535




It s time to face the music. Time to stand up straight, take a deep breath, and march down the path of technology. And while you know that Microsoft Office for Windows 95 offers more power, more features, and more functions, the mere thought of trying to learn it sends your mind spinning out of control. Well, help is on the way! The Complete Idiot s Guide to Microsoft Office for Windows 95 is your road map to discovery. With this light-hearted, entertaining guide, you get complete coverage of all the basics of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Schedule+, so you can create documents, charts and graphs, and presentations with ease. You ll quickly overcome your intimidation and be able to get back on the road to success! As a new computer user, you will love learning from this fun and witty book about Microsoft Office 95. With a fun-loving approach, Que helps you overcome your fear of computers and puts the fun back into computing.Jam-packed with wit and humor to make learning fun






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