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作 者:(英)马修斯(Matthews,P.H.)著,汪榕培 导读 著
出 版 社:外语教学与研究出版社
I S B N:9787560019109
Prefcace by Halliday Preface to the first edition Preface to the second edition Principal references 1 What is morphology? The scope of morphology Morphology and general linguistic theory 2 Word,word-form and lexeme Practical illustrations Lexical and inflectional morphology 3 Inflections and word-formation Why the distinction? Change and indeterminacy 4 Lexical derivation Formations Productivity 5 Compounds The syntax of compounds Compounds and non-compounds 6 Morphemes and allomorphs An agglutinating system Types of alternation 7 Morphological processes Inflectional formations Types of morphological process 8 Morphophonemics Sandhi The scope of morphophonemics 9 Properties and their exponents Flection Types of exponence 10 Paradigms An ancient model A modern adaptation 11 Inflectional morphology and sytax What are words? Problems and discrepancies 12 Iconicity Central and peripheral categories Marked and unmarked Index 文库索引 |