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J.B.Heaton is Senior Lecturer and Director of the English Language Unit for Overseas Students at the University of Leeds. He is the author of several books concerned with English as a seeond or foreign language, and has taught and lectured throughout Europe and Asia. He has had a long association with the University of Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate and with the Joint Matriculation Board
Preface by Halliday 王宗炎序 导读 1 Introsuction to language testing 1.1 Testing and teaching 1.2 Why test? 1.3 What should te tested and to what standard 1.4 Testing the language skills 1.5 testing lanuage areas 1.6 Language skills and language elenents 1.7 Recogition and production 1.8 Problems of sampling 1.9 Avoiding traps for the students 2.Approaches to language testing 2.1 Background 2.2 The essay-translation approach 2.3 The structuralist apprach 2.4 The ingtegrative approach 2.5 The communicative approach 3. Objective testing 3.1 Subjective and objective testing 3.2 Objective tests 3.3 Multiple-choice items:general 3.4 Multiple-choice items:the stem/the correct option /the distractors 3.5 Writing the test 4. Tests of grammar and usage 4.1 Introsuction 4.2 Multiple-choice grammar items:item types 4.3 Constructing multiple-choice items 4.4 Consrtucing errot-recognition multiple-choice items …… 5. Testing vocbaulary 6. Listening comprehension rests 7. Oral production tests 8. Testin reading comprehension 9. Testing the writing skills 10.Criteria and rypes of tests 11. Interpreing test scores 文库索引 |