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Jean stilwell Peccei is a Visiting Lecturer at the Roehampton Institute London. She is the author of Pragmatics (forthcoming Language Workbook)and co-author of Language, Society and Power(1999).
王宗炎序 导读 Using this book Acknowledgements 1 Starting to talk 2 Finding out what words mean 3 Building up a dictionary 4 Prtting together sentences 5 Building longer sentences 6 Saying‘No’and asking questions 7 Becoming a word mader 8 Having a conversation 9 Learning to get the sounds right 10 Still learning:‘Dogs’and ‘Gogs’ 11 Exploring children's language:projects 12 Going of from here:central issues and study questions Further reading Corpus of chlld - language data Answers to further exercises Index 文库索引 |