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ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income专业博客六位数收入之密

ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income专业博客六位数收入之密

最 低 价:¥168.80

定 价:¥211.00

作 者:DarrenRowse , ChrisGarrett 著

出 版 社:


I S B N:9780470246672




“Both authors are successful and profitable probloggers and here they reveal at last some of their secrets。” (The Bookseller, Friday 14th March 2008)
  Blogging has become a popular and fascinating pastime for many, but more and more bloggers are finding it can also be an excellent source of direct or indirect income。 Although the barriers to starting a blog are low, without expert guidance it is easy to get frustrated when success doesn’t match expectations。 Written by the creator of the world’s #1 resource for making money with blogs, ProBlogger takes the reader from absolute beginner to earning money from or as a result of blogging。 Through step by step practical lessons the reader will choose a blog topic, analyze the market, set up a blog, promote it and earn revenue。
  Unlike other books that are big on potential and theory, ProBlogger provides results based on the authors own experience of what really works through practical, tried and tested advice。 Inside readers will learn:
  How Bloggers Make Money Direct Income Earning vs。 Indirect Income Earning methods Why Niches are Important Using 20 critical blogging tools 20 Ingredients for a successful blog post Optimizing advertising Which advertising platforms work best Expert analysis of Technocrat’s Top Blogs,why they work。



1. Blogging for Money
2. Niche Blogging
3. Setting Up Your Blog
4. Blog Writing
5. Blog Income and Earning Strategies
6. Buying and Selling Blogs
7. Blog Networks
8. Blog Promotion and Marketing
9. Secrets of Successful Blogs
10. Creating Something Worthwhile




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