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The ForeclosureS.com Guide to Advanced Investing Techniques You Won't Learn Anywhere Else你在任何地方都学不到的投资技巧

The ForeclosureS.com Guide to Advanced Investing Techniques You Won't Learn Anywhere Else你在任何地方都学不到的投资技巧

最 低 价:¥148.80

定 价:¥186.00

作 者:AlexisMcGee 著

出 版 社:


I S B N:9780470171042




Killer strategies for profitable investing
 “With today’s soft real estate market and foreclosures at all-time highs, Alexis gives investors a clear plan on how to profit now。 Her honest and ethical approach to foreclosure investing shows you how to turn your financial goals into reality and become wealthy in every way。”
  Barbara Corcoran, founder of The Corcoran Group, Chairman of Barbara Corcoran, Inc。, and bestselling author of If You Don’t Have Big Breasts, Put Ribbons on Your Pigtails。
  “Forget all the other over-hyped get-rich-quick foreclosure schemes! Alexis’s newest book is the real thing。 Reading the book feels like you’re sitting at your successful friend’s kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee as she tells you all the secrets to make you a fortune in real estate foreclosures and REOs。”
  Diane Kennedy, CPA, owner and founder of TaxLoopholes。com, and bestselling author of Loopholes of the Rich。
  “Alexis does a fantastic job describing in detail how to work the current foreclosure market。 Her style is easy to follow and yet detailed enough to keep a reader out of trouble。 I couldn’t put it down。”
  Wendy Patton, author of Investing in Real Estate with Lease Options and “Subject-To” Deals and Making Hard Cash in a Soft Real Estate Market
  “A very timely book! With real estate markets shifting so quickly, a lot of homeowners and residential investors will face troubled times。 This creates new opportunities, and for those who are interested in this type of investing, Alexis has written a very comprehensive primer。 Foreclosures are an edgy type of investment, and few know this market as well as Alexis。 This guide covers all the bases。”
  Steve Bergsman, author of Maverick Real Estate Investing, Maverick Real Estate Financing, and Passport to Exotic Real Estate
  Killer strategies for profitable investing“With today’s soft real estate market and foreclosures at all-time highs, Alexis gives investors a clear plan on how to profit now。 Her honest and ethical approach to foreclosure investing shows you how to turn your financial goals into reality and become wealthy in every way。”
  Barbara Corcoran, founder of The Corcoran Group, Chairman of Barbara Corcoran, Inc。, and bestselling author of If You Don’t Have Big Breasts, Put Ribbons on Your Pigtails。
  “Forget all the other over-hyped get-rich-quick foreclosure schemes! Alexis’s newest book is the real thing。 Reading the book feels like you’re sitting at your successful friend’s kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee as she tells you all the secrets to make you a fortune in real estate foreclosures and REOs。”
  ALEXIS McGEE is cofounder of one of the most popular and the longest-running foreclosure Web sites in the country,ForeclosureS.com。She is one of the nation’s leading foreclosrue investing experts and has appeared of been quoted in many renowned media outlets,including the Wall Street Journal and Forbes。



PART 1 Get Ready to Advance: The Next Step in Foreclosure Investing
 CHAPTER 1 Why Bother with Advanced Foreclosure Investing?
CHAPTER 2 Essentials That Seal the Deal
pART 2 Deeds of Trust
CHAPTER 3 A Primer on Buying Deeds of Trust
CHAPTER 4 Finding the Deal That Adds Up
PART 3 Trustee and Courthouse Auctions
CHAPTER 5 The Reality behind the Hype
CHAPTER 6 The Dollars and Sense of Finding and Figuring the Deals
PART 4 REOs and Short Sales
CHAPTER 7 Another Option, Another Opportunity
CHAPTER 8 The Deal: Find It, Figure It, and Win
CHAPTER 9 Short Sales
part 5 REO Auctions
CHAPTER 10 The Phenomenon Is on a Roll
CHAPTER 11 Time to Deal
PART 6 Selling in a Soft Market
CHAPTER 12 Winning in Today's Market
APPENDIX A Sample Documents
APPENDIX B State Foreclosure Laws in Brief
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