作者介绍:Kaira Sturdivant Rouda Kaira Sturdivant Rouda is a nationally recognized branding professional with more than twenty years of experience in marketing, brand building, and entrepreneurship. She is co-owner of Real Living, one of the nation's fastest-growing real estate firms, where she created and continues to manage the company's brand and culture. She is also a newspaper columnist, fiction writer, and frequent speaker on the topics of marketing and the power of women in business. She lives in Columbus, Ohio, with her husband, Harley, and their four children. |
Introduction Section Ⅰ: Find It Within You Real Fact 1: It All Starts With You Life Lesson One: Your future starts now Life Lesson Two: Learn from your past Life Lesson Three: Describe yourself in one word Real Fact 2: Define Your Passions Life Lesson Four: Find the real people in your life Life Lesson Five: Don’t go it alone Life Lesson Six: Follow your instincts Real Fact 3: Discover Your Brand Life Lesson Seven: Tell your company story Life Lesson Eight: Defi ne your brand essence Life Lesson Nine: Create your vision statement Section Ⅱ: The Competitive Advantage Real Fact 4: Bring Your Passion and Your Brand Together Life Lesson Ten: The fi ve senses of branding Life Lesson Eleven: Create a marketing plan Life Lesson Twelve: Make it tangible Real Fact 5: Create a Unique and Real Work Environment Life Lesson Thirteen: Be a creative leader Life Lesson Fourteen: Express your brand in hiring Life Lesson Fifteen: Avoid culture vultures Real Fact 6: Your Personal Brand Is Your Business Brand Life Lesson Sixteen: Customers know if you’re faking it Life Lesson Seventeen: Be everywhere she wants you to be Life Lesson Eighteen: The real world is online Real Fact 7: Chart Uncharted Waters Life Lesson Nineteen: Build your business network Life Lesson Twenty: Change the world for other women Life Lesson Twenty-One: Capture your charitable passion Real Fact 8: Creativity Is Unstoppable Life Lesson Twenty-Two: Don’t get stuck Life Lesson Twenty-Three: Play Life Lesson Twenty-four: Share Acknowledgments About the Author Index |