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The Investor’s Dilemma : How Mutual Funds Are Betraying Your Trust And What To Do About It 投资者的困境:共同基金如何背叛你的信任及为此应该做些什么

The Investor’s Dilemma : How Mutual Funds Are Betraying Your Trust And What To Do About It 投资者的困境:共同基金如何背叛你的信任及为此应该做些什么

最 低 价:¥166.00

定 价:¥254.00

作 者:LouisLowenstein 著

出 版 社:


I S B N:9780470117651



  Louis Lowenstein is the Simon Rifkind Professor Emeritus of Finance and Law, Columbia Law School. Long known as a corporate critic, he was a member of the SEC's Panel on Audit Effectiveness. Lowenstein has written on financial markets widely, in Fortune, the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Barron's, and the Harvard Business Review.


Based on cutting-edge research by leading corporate critic Louis Lowenstein, The Investor’s Dilemma: How Mutual Funds Are Betraying Your Trust and What to Do About It reveals how highly overpaid fund sponsors really operate and walks you through the conflicts of interest found throughout the industry. Page by page, you’ll discover the real problems within the world of mutual funds and learn how to overcome them through a value-oriented approach to this market.



Chapter 1.Mutual Funds: A painful Birth
 In the beginning
 A Good Idea
 Cracks in the Good Idea
Chapter 2.Searching for Rational Investors in a Perfect Storm
 A Perfect Storm
 A Simple Survey
 The Fortune 10 Test
 The Performance Test
 Value Investing: A Behavioral Finance Perspective
Chapter 3.The Anatomy of the Stock Market
 The Stock Market
Chapter 4.Investing at Warp Speed
 Sell It All Every Year?
 Massachusetts Investors Growth Stock Fund
 Investing Blind
Chapter 5.Greed is Good: The Appeal of a Publicly Owned Fund Management Company
 TRowe Price
 How To Make 80 Percent a Year Without Breaking the Law
 Conflicts of Interest
 Grow The Assets
 Who's Watching the Store?
 The Greed Factor
 Candor Becomes A Casualty
 Form Over Substance: Shame on the SEC
 The Failure of Candor Runs Deep
 As Good As It Gets?
Chapter 6.The Investor's Dilemma: Long on Life Expectancy, Short on Income and Searching for Guidance
 A Crisis of Moral Imagination
 How The Other Half Lives
 Everyone Agrees: We Are Frightfully Poor Investors
 And Now A Word From Pogo
 What Pogo Forgot
 Of Bubbles and Swans
 Are You A Patient Investor?
Chapter 7.The Industrialization of Mutual Funds
 Margin of Safety
 Economy of Scale
 How the Marketing of Mutual Funds Came to Look Like Soap
 Franklin Resources–A Study in Economies of Scale
 Retailers, That's Where the Money Is
 The Death of Security Analysis
 Asset Allocation
 Rebalance My Portfolio .You Said What?
 A Witch's Brew
 About Those Benchmarks
 Wrapping Up the Benchmarks
 Managing By Rote Can Hurt Badly
Chapter 8.Through a Window Darkly
Chapter 9.How to Pick a Mutual Fund




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