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从顶峰营利:《石油的终结》与世纪最大投资事件Profit from the Peak: The End of Oil and the Greatest Investment Event of the Century

从顶峰营利:《石油的终结》与世纪最大投资事件Profit from the Peak: The End of Oil and the Greatest Investment Event of the Century

最 低 价:¥30.50

定 价:¥237.00

作 者:BrianHicks,ChrisNelder 著

出 版 社:Oversea Publishing House


I S B N:9780470127360




“Profit from the Peak” contains the information you need to successfully navigate the end of our oil-based economy。 It takes a hard look at the future of oil and gas,examines how you can effectively invest in these resources,and profit from energy alternatives that are poised to power the years ahead。 Along the way,this book also explores the potential,and possible limitations,of each major energy source,while carefully cover the investing angles of each one。



List of Figures
List of Tables
Part Ⅰ The Crisis in a Barrel
 Chapter 1 - December 16,2005:The Day the Devil Wept a Thousand Tears a Second
 Chapter 2 – What is Peak Oil?
  What is Oil?
  What Is Peak Oil?
  Types of Oil
  Oil Prices
  Reserves Revisions
  The Importance of Giant Oil Fields
  When Is the Peak?
  Reserve Replacement and Deepwater Drilling
  Differing Projections
  Drilling Like Never Before
  Infrastructure Issues
  The Bottom Line on Peak Oil
  The Hard Truth
 Chapter 3 – Wanted:Five New Saudi Arabias
  Global Demand and Population
  China and India
  Making up for Depletion
  Investment Opportunities
 Chapter 4 - $480 a Barrel:The True Value of Oil
  Cheaper than Water
  Draining the National Coffers
  Costs to the USMilitary
  The True Cost of Oil:$480 a Barrel
  Government Subsidies
  Environmental Costs
  Climate Change Cost
  Natural Capital Costs
 Chapter 5 - The Pentagon Prepares for Peak Oil
  Reduce Dependence on Oil
  Reduce CO2 Emissions
  Staunch the Bleeding
  Invest Heavily in Renewables
  Other Renewables Close Behind
  Policy Recommendations
  Solar for China?
Part Ⅱ Making Money from the Fossil Fuels That Are Left
 Chapter 6 –Twilight for Fossil Fuels
  Natural Gas
  Diminishing Returns and Receding Horizons
  Global Warming
 Chapter 7 - The Road to El Dorado:The Alberta-Texas Oilsands Pipeline
  Part IIIEnergy after Oil
 Chapter 8 - The Renewable Revolution
 Chapter 9 - Endless Energy:Here Comes the Sun
 Chapter 10 - Pressure Cooker:Tapping the Earth’s Heat
 Chapter 11 –Nuclear's Second Act
 Chapter 12 - What's Needed:A Manhattan Project for Energy
 Chapter 13 A Future Electric
Epilogue:Why We’re Energy Optimist
Appendix AEnergy Units and Equivalences Tables
Appendix BTop Oil Producers and Peak Production
Appendix CEnergy Mix Charts




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