作者介绍:Joe Vitale Joe Vitale is President of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc., a marketing consulting firm.His professional clients include the Red Cross, PBS, Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital, and many other small and large businesses. His other books include There's a Customer Born Every Minute, The Attractor Factor, and Zero Limits, all from Wiley. Joe is also a featured contributor to the hit movie and bestselling book, The Secret. Learn more at www.mrfire.com. |
Acknowledgments Foreword Part One. Building the Foundation. 1. It All Begins with You. Structure. Your Life and Your Business. What is Your Current Situation. What are Your Interests, Talents or Expertise? What are Your Desires? Your Ideal Day. Guest Expert Article. Creating Abundance In Your Career. Thomas L. Pauley and Penelope J. Pauley. 2. Select the Best Business Model for You. Bring Your Offline Business Online. Guest Expert Article. Get your Real Estate Business Online. Larry Goins. Sales of Physical Products. Support Services for the World Wide Web. News and General Information Sites. Blogs. Entertainment Sites. Auction Sites. Affiliate Sales Sites. Social Networking Sites/Forums. Sale of Information Products. Education Sites. Guest Expert Article. Educating for Entrepreneurship. Rhea Perry. Membership Sites. Multilevel Marketing/Network Marketing. Guest Expert Article. Geometric Giving: The Easy Way to Donate $1-Million a Month to Charity. Paulie Sabol. Gambling and Adult Sites. 3. A Closer Look at Online Auctions. Getting Started on ebay. What to Sell? Pricing. Buying for Resale on Auction Sites. Promoting Your Auctions. Shipping. Timing Your Auction. The Path of the PowerSeller. Treat it Like a Real Business. Bells and Whistles. Beyond ebay. Guest Expert Article. ebay and Beyond. Jim Cochrum. Chapter 4. A Closer Look at Affiliate Sales Sites. Chapter 5. Marketing Through Social Networking Sites. 6. Create Your Own Information Products. Part Two. The Action Steps. 7. Set Up Your Site. 8. Get the Word Out! 9. Make it Hypnotic! Part Three. Grow Your Business! 10. It's All About Quality. 11. Build Your Business Support Network. 12. Comply with Cyber Law. 13. Plan for Success. Index |