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商业动力:从IP资产中创造新财富 Business Power: Creating New Wealth from IP Assets

商业动力:从IP资产中创造新财富 Business Power: Creating New Wealth from IP Assets

最 低 价:¥252.80

定 价:¥316.00

作 者:RobertShearer, Robert C. Cresanti 著

出 版 社:John Wiley & Sons


I S B N:9780470120750



作者简介:Robert Shearer started the National Knowledge & Intellectual Property Management Taskforce to accelerate economic development through technological innovation and create an economic framework to accommodate intellectual property assets in national commerce. The Taskforce was recognized for its leadership through an invitation from the United Nations Statistics Division to conduct a joint research project into the effects of R&D on economic development for application in developed and developing nations. Mr. Shearer is an experienced professional in executive and organizational development and has led many clients to successful solutions using staffing, organizational design, executive continuity, education, and training strategies. He has served as an expert witness in federal court on matters pertaining to organizational behavior and market research. He was a board member of the Superconducting Super Collider, and a part of that successful grassroots $1 billion Texas referendum to finance the winning national proposal to the Department of Energy. He earned an MBA with honors at Southern Methodist University.


"Business Power is an essential handbook for every business leader. Creating and growing IP is a critical element of innovation and accelerates the transformation of knowledge to market value. Business Power provides a step-by-step approach to value creation."
"It is difficult to overstate the importance of effectively managing intellectual property assets in the current and future global business landscape. This book gathers together a unique collection of thought leaders on every aspect of intellectual property management. Whether you are interested in brand management, human capital management, patent portfolio management, trade secret management, or anything in between, and whether you are an interested observer of business, or a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, you will gain something from this book."
"Business Power provides valuable strategic and tactical knowledge about IP and its role in corporate performance. The book presents a unique collection of views about creating, and sustaining competitive performance and increasing value in a global economy. A must-read for business leaders and lawyers alike."



Section One Up Front
Foreword (The Honorable Robert CCresanti)
Section Two Defining the Stakes
Chapter 1 Building IP Value in the Corporation (Mike Geoffrey)
IP’s Impact on Corporate Global Competitiveness
Innovation, Differentiation, and the Avoidance of Commodification
One View of the Innovation Process
Shifting the IP Paradigm: A Simple Business Model
A Value Proposition
Shifting the IP Paradigm: Changing Practices and Policies
Chapter 2 Corporate IP Management in the Global Market (Bill Coughlin)
The Age of IP
IP Management and Reporting Policy at Ford
Measuring IP and Why
Chapter 3 IP and Its Effects on Corporate Research and Development (DrVassilis Keramidas).
IP Impact on Research
Examples of the Unplanned Benef its of Research
New Challenges to the Managing Executives
Next Steps
Chapter 4 The Economic Infrastructure, Standards, Regulations, and Capital Markets (DrSteve enning)
IP Management’s Two Dimensions—Internal and External
The IP External Landscape
Intangible IP
SEC and FASB Initiatives
Why Disclosure Is Important to Growth
IP Savvy Commands a Premium on Wall Street
Measuring Intangibles
New Capabilities Requirements
IP Inf luence on the Private Enterprise
What Can We Do?
Section Three Creating the Assets
Chapter 5 Human Capital: The Forsaken Resource (Ed Paradise)
Forsaken Resource
Key Skills for Success in the Twenty-First Century
The Educational System
Chapter 6 How to Turn White Space Dark for Fun and Profit (Steve Parmelee)
“White Spaces”
“I Know What I Need—Sort Of ”
The Ugly Inventing Session
Doing It Right—Filling the White Spaces
Select a Dedicated Process Champion
Team Selection.
Focus and Steering
Capture the Ideas
Evaluating, Filtering, and Grouping
Memorializing and Documentation
Chapter 7 Capturing the Value of Trade Secrets (RMark Halligan, Esq.)
Chapter 8 Intellectual Property Drives Corporate Changes to Create New Wealth (Bob Shearer and Bruce Stuckman)
Chapter 9 Valuing Intellectual Property (Dave Haug)
Chapter 10 Competitive Power through Integrated IP Strategy (DrJan Jaferian)
Chapter 11 Accelerating Wealth Creation through IP Management in the Mid-Market Company (DrMark Karasek)
Chapter 12 Intellectual Property’s Impact on Corporate Financial Management (Christopher JLeisner, CPA, CMC)
Chapter 13 Defining Brand and Reputational Value (Jonathan Low and DrPam Cohen)
Chapter 14 Internal Operations to Leverage IP Assets (DrSteve Henning)
Chapter 15 Value-Added Litigation (Karl RFink)




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