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宠物的天然食品:狗、猫的健康食谱The Natural Pet Food Cookbook : Healthful Recipes for Dogs and Cats

宠物的天然食品:狗、猫的健康食谱The Natural Pet Food Cookbook : Healthful Recipes for Dogs and Cats

最 低 价:¥89.00

定 价:¥127.00

作 者:Wendy Nan Rees, KevinSchlanger, TroyCummings (Illustrator) 著

出 版 社:


I S B N:9780470225301



作者简介:Wendy Nan Rees has been involved in the pet industry for more that 25 years, starting when she founded Lip Smackers, a company that provides all-natural treats for pets. She has authored three pet cookbooks, written for Your Pet Magazine, served as the Pet Lifestyle Advisor on Animal Planet's Petsburg, USA, and helped to create Cedar Green, a line ff all-natural pet odor eliminators. Rees also hosts an Internet radio show, Wendy's Animal Talk, at www.healthylife.net. Her new line of natural pet products can be found at www.wendynanrees.com.


After the massive commercial pet food recall in 2007, you're probably concerned about why to feed your dog or cat. The Natural Pet Food Cookbook: Healthful Recipes For Dogs And Cats gives you great ways to supplement your pet's primary diet with nutritious meals that you prepare; that way, you're sure your dog or cat gets healthy variety. With nn emphasis on natural ingredients and lots of colorful, fun illustrations, this cookbook gives you:
More than 50 vet-approved, pet-tested recipes, ranging from basic kibble to casseroles to stews
Tips on cooking techniques, food selection, and more
Info on storing and freezing your homemade pet foods
Details about the nutritional requirements of dogs and cats
Warnings about potentially harmful foods



About the Authors
Adding Home-Cooked Meals to Your Pet’s Diet
Information for Dog Owners
Information for Cat Owners
Tools of the Trade: Kitchen Equipment Needed
The Pet-Friendly Pantry
Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Dog or Cat
Cooking and Storing Foods in Bulk
Conversion Tables
Part I: Dogs
Chapter 1: Kibbles and Casseroles
Chapter 2: Stupendous Stews, Savory Soups, and a Growlin’Gravy
Chapter 3: Puglicious Pastas and Loaves to Love
Chapter 4: Bulk Recipes and Budget Meals
Part II: Cats
Chapter 5: Kibbles and Casseroles
Chapter 6: Stupendous Stews, Savory Soups, and Scrumptious Sauces
Chapter 7: Fish for the Fish Lover
Chapter 8: Bulk Recipes and Budget Meals




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