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Enhanced Indexing Strategies: Utilizing Futures And Options To Achieve Higher Performance提高标定指数的策略:利用期货与期权实现高业绩

Enhanced Indexing Strategies: Utilizing Futures And Options To Achieve Higher Performance提高标定指数的策略:利用期货与期权实现高业绩

最 低 价:¥406.40

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作 者:TristanYates 著

出 版 社:


I S B N:9780470259252




Leveraged index investments, including index futures, options, and ETFs, are one of the fastest growing products in finance, as both retail and institutional investors are attracted to their long-term returns and capital efficiency. With Enhanced Indexing Strategies, author Tristan Yates reveals how you can create and build high-performance indexing strategies using derivatives that can potentially generate much higher returns than conventional index investing. In addition, Enhanced Indexing Strategies introduces six innovative long-term indexing strategies using futures and options, each with its own advantages and applications.
  Index funds are among the highest performing and most reliable investments available in the marketplace. Over the past several years, literally hundreds of index-related products have been introduced to the marketplace, most designed to provide investors with the capability to mix and match different funds in order to build custom portfolios. At the same time, leveraged investment products for the retail investor—which use borrowed capital to increase the returns within the structure of a passive investment strategy—are also one of the fastest growing products in the financial world. In Enhanced Indexing Strategies, Tristan Yates shows how to successfully combine these products using leveraged indexing to deliver better risk-adjusted returns than conventional approaches.
  The idea behind leveraged investing is simple: if long-term investment returns are predictable, then even higher returns can be generated by borrowing and investing the capital over the long term in an index. Using derivatives such as futures and options, Yates reveals it is possible to not only borrow money to invest at a low rate, but also to implement hedging strategies that help reduce the risk of catastrophic losses.
  Unlike other books on options trading that tell how to profit from short-term market movements, Enhanced Indexing Strategies uses options positions to capture long-term pricing trends. Using long calls and call spreads, hedging strategies, and LEAP call options—which have been hailed as an industry innovation due to their ability to maintain leverage while managing risk—Yates shows how to implement specific long-term strategies that can capture appreciation in volatile conditions across many years.
  In addition to providing six different innovative long-term indexing strategies using futures and options, Yates also offers important advice on managing a leveraged investing portfolio. He covers each critical aspect of portfolio management: selecting indexes and strategies and determining the level of exposure, calculating the expected returns and the possible range of returns, and monitoring the portfolio to ensure that it is performing in accordance to projections. Yates's final piece of advice to investors is simple: get started. Every day you're not invested in an index is a missed opportunity for profits.
  Tristan Yates researches and writes about global index investing, leveraged portfolio management, and derivative strategies for many publications, including Futures & Options Trader, Seeking Alpha, and Investopedia, and his articles are distributed through Yahoo! Finance, Forbes, Kiplinger, and MSN Money. An industry expert on leveraged ETFs, his research has been cited in the Wall Street Journal.



CHAPTER 1 Owning the Index 
 The Story of Indexing 
 Indexing: Strategy or Philosophy?
  Active Investment Selection 
  Index Investing and the Efficient Markets 
  Reconciling Indexing and Active Investing 
 Index Risk and Reward 
  Drift and Noise 
  Momentum, Mean Reversion, and Market Cycles 
  Cycles and Regime Change 
  Understanding Volatility 
 High Performance Indexes 
  Small Cap and Value Premium 
  Stock Migration 
  Additional Factors 
 Forecasting Index Returns 
CHAPTER 2 Applying Leverage 
 Leveraged Investments: Conservation of Risk 
 Using the Leverage Ratio 
 Underwater Investments 
 Debt and Interest Effects 
 Sources of Leverage.
  Margin Loans 
  Example: Synthetics 
  Other Debt Sources 
 Managing a Leveraged Portfolio 
  Portfolio Sizing 
  Portfolio Allocations 
  Rebalancing with Leverage 
  Dollar Cost Averaging and Liquidity Preference 
  Reinvesting Leveraged Gains 
CHAPTER 3 Indexing with Synthetics and Futures 
 Asset Allocation 
 Index Portfolio Returns 
  Applying Leverage 
 Holding Synthetic Positions 
 Transaction Costs 
 Expected Returns and Reinvestment 
 Adding Portfolio Volatility 
 Random Scenarios with Monte Carlo 
 Margin Calls 
 Substituting Futures 
CHAPTER 4 Capturing Index Appreciation with Calls 
 Intuitive Option Pricing 
  Options as Potential Liabilities 
  Strike Prices 
  Time and Volatility 
  Dividends and Interest Rates 
  Following an Option 
  Risk Components of Various Options 
 Capturing Appreciation with Options 
  Daily Cost of Options 
  Volatility Skew 
  Uneven Appreciation 
 Option Analysis 
  Marginal Returns—Extending Time or Lowering Strike 
  Monthly Returns of Calls 
  More about Volatility 
CHAPTER 5 Leveraged Covered Calls with Futures 
CHAPTER 6 Rolling LEAPS Call Options Explained.
CHAPTER 7 Long-Term Returns Using Rolled LEAPS 
CHAPTER 8 Long and Short Profits with Call Spreads 
CHAPTER 9 Cycling Earnings Using Spread Positions 
CHAPTER 10 Practical Hedging with Put Spreads 
CHAPTER 11 LEAPS Puts and Three Ways to Profit 
CHAPTER 12 Managing the Leveraged Multistrategy Portfolio.
Final Words 
APPENDIX List of Index ETFs and Futures 
About the Author




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