Introduction Book Ⅰ: Taking Charge of your Finances. Chapter 1: Assessing Where You Are Financially Chapter 2: Improving Your Relationship with Money Chapter 3: Building and Sticking to a Budget Chapter 4: Cutting Spending and Boosting Income Chapter 5: Fixing Up Your Credit Report Book Ⅱ: Managing Home and Personal Finances Chapter 1: Running a Money-Smart Household Chapter 2: Home Ownership and Choosing the Right Mortgage Chapter 3: Avoiding Foreclosure Chapter 4: Keeping a Lid on Medical Costs Chapter 5: Using the Internet to Help Manage Your Finances Book Ⅲ: Dealing with Debt Chapter 1: Tackling What You Owe Chapter 2: Understanding How Credit Works Chapter 3: Consolidating Your Debts Chapter 4: Negotiating with Creditors and Getting Help Chapter 5: Considering Bankruptcy Book Ⅳ Saving and Investing Chapter 1: Becoming a Saver Chapter 2: Investing in Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds Chapter 3: Saving for Retirement Chapter 4: Saving for College Chapter 5: Working with an Online Broker Book Ⅴ: Protecting your Money and Assets Chapter 1: Combating Identity Theft Chapter 2: Online Banking Chapter 3: Homeowner's Insurance Chapter 4: Auto Insurance Basics Chapter 5: Buying Life Insurance Chapter 6: Dealing with the Tax Man Book Ⅵ: Retiring Comfortably Chapter 1:401(k) and 403Co) Retirement Investing Chapter 2: Retiring Your Way: IRAs Chapter 3: Paychecks from Your House: Reverse Mortgages Chapter 4: Managing Money in Retirement Chapter 5: Online Retirement Planning Book Ⅶ: Planning your Estate and Will Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Estate Planning Chapter 2: Where There's a Will Chapter 3: Limitations of Wills: What You Can and Can't Do Chapter 4: Estate Planning Online Chapter 5: Taking Care of Aging Parents with Durable Power of Attorney Index |