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Investing In An Uncertain Economy For Dummies在动荡的经济中投资指南

Investing In An Uncertain Economy For Dummies在动荡的经济中投资指南

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作 者:SherylGarrett 著

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I S B N:9780470401163




Investing in an Uncertain Economy For Dummies provides investors with focused, individualized investment strategies that enable them to conquer indecision and protect and strengthen their current financial holdings. With advice from 200 top independent financial advisors, empowered readers can make effective asset allocation decisions in the face of volatile markets.


Sheryl Garrett is founder of the Garrett Planning Network, an international network of financial advisors who offer their services on an hourly, as-needed basis. In 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006, Investment Advisor magazine named Garrett one of the Top 25 Most Influential People in the Financial Planning industry.


Part 1: Laying a Solid Foundation
 Strategy 1: Keep Your Feet on the Ground
 Strategy 2: Realize That This Has Happened Before (And Will Happen Again)
 Strategy 3: Plan for Life's Uncertainties
 Strategy 4: Protect Your Ability to Earn Income
 Strategy 5: Assess Your Medical Insurance
 Strategy 6: Assess Your Disability Insurance
 Strategy 7: Assess Your Long-Term Care Insurance
 Strategy 8: Assess Your Life Insurance
 Strategy 9: Take Stock of Your Current Financial Picture
 Strategy 10: Save
 Strategy 11: Manage Your Debt
 Strategy 12: Improve Your Credit Score
 Strategy 13: Set and Prioritize Financial Goals
 Strategy 14: Don't Let Your Money Beliefs Sabotage Your Goals
 Strategy 15: Avoid Common Mistakes in a Down Marke
 Strategy 16: Use Non-Investment Options to Improve Your Finances
Part 2: Using Investment Vehicles and Accounts throughout the Economic Cycle
 Strategy 17: Include Cash Reserves: Savings, CDs, and Money Market Accounts
 Strategy 18: Government Bonds: Should You Loan Uncle Sam Your Money?
 Strategy 19: Decide Whether Fixed Annuities Are Right for You
 Strategy 20: Simplify with Target-Date Funds
 Strategy 21: Invest in Mutual Funds
 Strategy 22: Hedge Your Bets with Variable Annuities
 Strategy 23: Invest in Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)
 Strategy 24: Diversify with Real Estate Investment Trusts
 Strategy 25: Consider a Separately Managed Account
 Strategy 26: Invest in Individual Stocks
 Strategy 27: Invest in Individual Bonds
 Strategy 28: Hedge with Options
 Strategy 29: Invest in Commodities
 Strategy 30: Consider Short-Selling
 Strategy 31: Use Caution When Buying on Margin
 Strategy 32: Get the Most Out of Your Taxable Accounts
 Strategy 33: Invest in Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAS)
 Strategy 34: Make the Most of Your Employer Retirement Accounts
 Strategy 35: Choose a Self-Employment Retirement Account
Part 3:Demystitying Risk:Accumulating and Protecting Wealth
 Strategy 36: Understand Investment Risks
 Strategy 37: Sort Through an Investment's Return
 Strategy 38: Assess Your Ability to Absorb Losses.
 Strategy 39: Create a Portfolio You Can Grow and Consume
 Strategy 40: Allocate Your Assets to Minimize Risk.
 Strategy 41: Rebalance Your Asset Allocation
 Strategy 42: Diversify Your Stock Portfolio by Size
 Strategy 43: Diversify Your Stock Portfolio by Valuation
 Strategy 44: Diversify Your Stock Portfolio by Country
 Strategy 45: Diversify Your Portfolio by Industry.
 Strategy 46: Diversify Your Bond Portfolio
 Strategy 47: Diversify Your Portfolio with Alternative Vehicles
 Strategy 48: Employ a Conservative Portfolio
 Strategy 49 Employ a Moderate Portfolio
 Strategy 50: Employ an Aggressive Portfolio
Part 4: Investing for Accumulators
 Strategy 51: Save for Emergencies
 Strategy 52: Provide for Large Expenses
 Strategy 53: Develop a Plan to Provide for Children
 Strategy 54: Save for Retirement Regardless of the Shape of the Economy
 Strategy 55: Determine How Much Money Is Enough for the ReSt of Your Life
 Strategy 56: Strategies for Beginning Investors
 Strategy 57: Investments for Beginning Investors
 Strategy 58: Strategies for Intermediate Investors
 Strategy 59: Investments for Intermediate-Stage Investors
 Strategy 60: Take Advantage of Retirement Plan Catch-Up Provisions
Part 5:Heading into Retirement
Part 6:Living on Your Investment Earnings and Drawing Down Your Assets
Part 7:The Part of Tens




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