Ⅰ. Review and Outlook Chart: Weekly Average Silver Prices Chart: The Price of Silver Chart: Supply and Demand Balance Table: Silver Statistical Position Chart: Silver Market Surplus/Deficit Chart: Annual Total Supply Chart: Annual Total Demand Chart: Precious Metals Bullion Stocks Chart: Estimated Silver Inventories in London and Zurich Chart: Deficits' Effects on Prices Depend on Inventories Annual Surpluses and Deficits Estimated Total Silver Bullion Inventories, Year-End Silver Bullion Inventories as Months of Demand, Year-End. Chart: The Silver Market Table: The Economy Chart: Cumulative World Silver Production and Distribution Table: World Silver Supply and Fabrication Demand Table: Real and Nominal Silver Prices Ⅱ. Supply Chart: Annual Total Supply Chart: Mine Output in Major Silver Producing Countries, 1990-2008p Table: Near-termMine Development Projects Table: Mine Production of Silver Chart: Mine Production in China, Mexico, Peru, and Australia Chart: Annual Secondary Supply Chart: Other Supply Chart: Indian Silver Market Table: Mine Production by Country Table: Secondary and Other Supplies Table: Indian Silver Supply Chart: South Asian Silver Trade Ⅲ. Fabrication Demand Chart: Annual Total Demand Chart: Jewelry and Silverware Demand for Silver Chart: Photographic Demand Chart: Silver in Photography in 2007 Chart: Silver in Photography in 2008 Chart: Electronics and Batteries Chart: Other Uses Table: Annual Silver Use 52 Chart: U.S. Fabrication Demand Chart: Indian Silver Fabrication Demand Chart: Italian Fabrication Demand Chart: Japanese Fabrication Demand. Chart: European Fabrication Demand Chart: World Silver Use Per Unit of GDP Chart: World Silver Use Per Capita Chart: The Indexed Price of Silver in Dollars, Euros, and Rupees since 1999.. Table: Fabrication Demand by Country, 1960-2008p Table: European Silver Fabrication Demand Table: Italian Silver Fabrication Demand Chart: German Silver Fabrication Demand Table: German Silver Fabrication Demand Chart: U.K. Silver Fabrication Demand Table: United Kingdom Silver Fabrication Demand Chart: Belgian Silver Fabrication Demand Table: Belgian Silver Fabrication Demand Chart: French Silver Fabrication Demand Table: French Silver Fabrication Demand Chart: Austrian Silver Fabrication Demand Table: Austrian Silver Fabrication Demand Chart: Netherlands Silver Fabrication Demand Table: Netherlands Silver Fabrication Demand Table: Annual U.S. Silver Fabrication Demand, 1986-1997 Table: Annual U.S. Silver Fabrication Demand, 1998-2008p Table: Japanese Silver Fabrication Demand, 1973-1990 Table: Japanese Silver Fabrication Demand, 1991-2008p Chart: Thai Silver Fabrication Demand Table: Thai Silver Fabrication Demand Chart: South Korean Silver Fabrication Demand Table: South Korean Silver Fabrication Demand Chart: Taiwan Silver Fabrication Demand Table: Taiwan Silver Fabrication Demand Chart: Hong Kong Silver Fabrication Demand …… Ⅳ. Investment Demand. Ⅴ. Inventories. Ⅵ. Markets. Ⅶ. Prices. |