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投资中国大学的利益Investment University's Profit from China

投资中国大学的利益Investment University's Profit from China

最 低 价:¥216.60

定 价:¥270.75

作 者:Investment U, AlexanderGreen, HoracioMárquez, LouisBass, MarkWhistler 著

出 版 社:John Wiley & Sons


I S B N:9780470122358




China's economy keeps on revving at record-breaking speed—turning its factories and 1.3 billion people into bottomless pits of consumption.
For investors, this is nothing short of the opportunity of a lifetime. Those who are first to recognize the prime movers and building blocks of this enormous growth will surely take the lion's share of the profits. That's exactly why Investment U has created this special, time-sensitive report.
Investment U's Profit from China will show you precisely how and where to take advantage of the raging Chinese economy. It includes four investment recommendations so closely tied to this record growth that you'll want to add them to your portfolio immediately. But Investment U's Profit from China doesn't stop there: it will also introduce you to an exclusive "can't-miss" strategy for making sure that you get out of these investments with profits intact.
Investors may never again have a chance at a windfall like the one offered by the booming Chinese economy. But, with this report from Investment U as your guide, you'll learn exactly how to take advantage of such an opportunity.


INVESTMENT U delivers independent, no-nonsense investment advice regarding how to build long-lasting wealth. Their mission is to help you master the investment principles that can dramatically boost portfolio returns.


From the Publisher
Our 12 Timeless Rules of Investing
Part I: The “Waking Giant ” of the Twenty-First Century Is Set to Power the World’s Economy and Investor Returns
Part II: How Enormous Fortunes Will Be Made behind the Great Wall
Author Biographies
Here’s How to Get Updates on Every Recommendation in This Report




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