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Logic and Philosophy 逻辑与哲学 Has China Remained Stationary During the Last Thousand Years? 中国近一千年是停滞不进步吗? The Chinese Renaissance 中国的文艺复兴 My Credo and Its Evoluti 我的信仰 Intellectual Preparedness 知识的准备 Historical Foundations for a Democratic China 民主中国的历史基础 A Historian Looks at Chinese Painting 一个史学家看中国绘画 China Too is Fighting to Defend a Way of Life 中国抗战也是要保卫一种生活方式 The Scientific Spirit and Method in Chinese Philosophy 中国哲学里的科学精神与方法 The Chinese Tradition and the Future 中国传统与将来 Social Changes and Science 科学发展所需要的社会改革 附录 胡适英文著作目录 |