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Out of the Red: Investment and Capitalism in Russia在俄罗斯投资与资本拥有

Out of the Red: Investment and Capitalism in Russia在俄罗斯投资与资本拥有

最 低 价:¥202.40

定 价:¥253.00

作 者:John T. Connor 等著

出 版 社:


I S B N:9780470269787



  John T. Connor Jr., is the founder and portfolio manager of the Third Millennium Russia Fund, a U.S., S.E.C.-registered mutual fund specializing in the equities of Russian public companies. In 2003 and 2006, he was ranked No. 1 Portfolio Manager in the U.S. by the annual Barron's Value Line survey. In 2004, the Wall Street Journal ranked him as the fifth best Overall Fund Manager in the U.S. He was Phi Beta Kappa and recieved his BA from Williams College (1963) and JD from Harvard Law School (1967).


n the last 15 years, Russia has become a bigger part of the global economy and its free market society has attracted widespread investment interest. Out of the Red is an inside look at what is happening in this country today. With this book, author John Connor, a leading authority on Russian markets, focuses on a number of industries, including steel/metals, oil and gas, auto, real estate, banking, and retail, and offers both an industry overview and history, as well as advice on how to invest in these areas. And while Connor does believe that investing in Russia is a smart idea, today there are at least 60 viable companies that he would recommend, he also warns that there are also currency, oil, and political risks that must be taken into consideration before making a move in this market.



Part I. Free Markets and Democracy Arrive in Russia
 Chapter 1. Today's Russia
 Chapter 2. Investing in Russia: Risk/Reward
Part II. Russia a Rising Economic Power
 Chapter 3. An Overview of Business in Russia
 Chapter 4. Metals and Mining
 Chapter 5. Oil and Natural Gas
 Chapter 6. Information and Communication as a Business
 Chapter 7. The Rising Russian Consumer
 Chapter 8. Electricity and Infrastructure
 Chapter 9. Ukraine and Kazakhstan
Part III. The Future of Investing in Russia
 Chapter 10. Discovering the Real Russia
 Chapter 11. What's in Store for Russia and its Investors?
About the Authors




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