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The Swing Traders Bible: Strategies to Profit from Market Volatility短期交易宝典:在市场波动中获利

The Swing Traders Bible: Strategies to Profit from Market Volatility短期交易宝典:在市场波动中获利

最 低 价:¥431.20

定 价:¥539.00

作 者:MatthewMcCall, MarkWhistler  著

出 版 社:


I S B N:9780470308264




The Swing Trader's Bible provides traders with different strategies to capitalize on market fluctuations. The majority of the time, most markets move sideways, with no discernible long-term up or down trend. The key to making money in these kinds of markets is to sell when the market is near the top of its range and buy when it's near the bottom of its range. The authors explain how to use fundamental stock analysis and technical analysis to spot swing trading opportunities. They then provide very specific techniques for entering and exiting the market, including: channel analysis; momentum indicators; stock sector leaders/followers; market cycles; overbought/oversold indicators; trading volume; and money flows. The authors explain how to swing trade by taking outright positions in stocks or by using various options strategies. Most of the book is devoted to swing trading using individual stocks, but the authors also explain swing trading opportunities in stock indexes and in exchange-traded funds.



CHAPTER 1 Determining Your Trading Style
CHAPTER 2 The First Rule of Profitability: Stop Loss
CHAPTER 3 The Second Rule of Profitability: Commonsense Fundamentals
CHAPTER 4 The Third Rule of Profitability: Technical Analysis
CHAPTER 5 Strategy 1: Take the Trends to Pieces
CHAPTER 6 Strategy 2: The RSI Indicator
CHAPTER 7 Strategy 3: MACD and Stochastic
CHAPTER 8 Strategy 4: The Tier II Play
CHAPTER 9 Strategy 5: ETF Sector Rotation
CHAPTER 10 Strategy 6: The Macro-to-Micro Play
CHAPTER 11 Strategy 7: Profit from Exuberance Premium
CHAPTER 12 Strategy 8: Japanese Candlestick Charts
CHAPTER 13 Strategy 9: Option Primer and LEAP Options
CHAPTER 14 Strategy 10: Piggyback Strategy Using ETFs and Mutual Funds
CHAPTER 15 Strategy 11: Scanning for Swing Trade Ideas
CHAPTER 16 Strategy 12: Swing Trading a Market Sell-Off
CHAPTER 17 Strategy 13: Swing Trading the Megatrends
CHAPTER 18 Strategy 14: Return on Assets and Return on Equity
CHAPTER 19 Strategy 15: Covered Call Options
CHAPTER 20 Strategy 16: Straddles as a Profit Tool.
CHAPTER 21 Strategy 17: Bull and Bear Spreads
Last Words




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