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How to Castrate a Bull: Unexpected Lessons on Risk, Growth, and Success in Business,1st ed. 阉牛之道:意外的商业风险、增长与成功,第1版

How to Castrate a Bull: Unexpected Lessons on Risk, Growth, and Success in Business,1st ed. 阉牛之道:意外的商业风险、增长与成功,第1版

最 低 价:¥140.00

定 价:¥216.00

作 者:DaveHitz 等著

出 版 社:


I S B N:9780470345238




Dave Hitz likes to solve fun problems. He didn’t set out to be a Silicon Valley icon, a business visionary, or even a billionaire. But he became all three. It turns out that business is a mosaic of interesting puzzles like managing risk, developing and reversing strategies, and looking into the future by deconstructing the past.
  As a founder of NetApp, a data storage firm that began as an idea scribbled on a placemat and now takes in $4 billion a year, Hitz has seen his company go through every major cycle in business—from the Jack-of-All-Trades mentality of a start-up, through the tumultuous period of the IPO and the dot-com bust, and finally to a mature enterprise company. NetApp is one of the fastest-growing computer companies ever, and for six years in a row it has been on Fortune magazine’s list of Best Companies to Work For. Not bad for a high school dropout who began his business career selling his blood for money and typing the names of diseases onto index cards.
  With colorful examples and anecdotes, How to Castrate a Bull is a story for everyone interested in understanding business, the reasons why companies succeed and fail, and how powerful lessons often come from strange and unexpected places.
  Dave Hitz co-founded NetApp in 1992 with James Lau and Michael Malcolm. He served as a programmer, marketing evangelist, technical architect, and vice president of engineering. Presently, he is responsible for future strategy and direction for the company. Before his career in Silicon Valley, Dave worked as a cowboy, where he got valuable management experience by herding, branding, and castrating cattle.



PART ONE: Beginnings
 1.Before NetApp On Computers, Colleges, Castration, and Risk
  Interlude: What NetApp Does
 2.Starting NetApp On Toasters, Angels, Resellers, and Ferraris
  Interlude: Redundant Array of Pyramid Hieroglyphics (RAPH)
 3.CEO Lessons On Pixie Dust, Decision Making, Candor, and Going Public
  Interlude: Tom Mendoza’s Lessons on Public Speaking
PART TWO: Turbulent Adolescence
 4.Hypergrowth On Goals, Doubling, Ancestors, and Pain
  Interlude: How to Fail in Executive Staff Presentations
 5.Values and Culture On Dilbert, Drooling, Lies, and Game Theory
  Interlude: Lawyers Aren’t Evil Fairness and Morality Are Not Their Job
 6.Managing Engineers On Development, Consensus, Doctor Death, and Magic
  Interlude: Scientific-Truth and Useful-Truth
PART THREE: Grown-Up Company
 7.Customers On Love, Enterprise, Simplicity, and Partners
  Interlude: Shark Island A Parable of Risk and Mass Media
 8.Strategic Change On Reversing Course, Chocolate, Debates, and Core Beliefs
  Interlude: Speckled-Egg Thinking
 9.Vision On Whining, Eras, Future History, and the Meaning of Life
Appendix AEarly NetApp Business Plan
Appendix BNetApp Company Values
The Author




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