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Making Millions For Dummies如何成为 百万富翁

Making Millions For Dummies如何成为 百万富翁

最 低 价:¥123.20

定 价:¥154.00

作 者:RobertDoyen 等编著

出 版 社:


I S B N:9780470276747




Making Millions For Dummies lays out in simple, easy-to-understand steps the best ways to achieve wealth. Through a proven methodology of saving, building a successful business, smart investing, and carefully managing assets, this up-front, reliable guide shows readers how to achieve millionaire or multimillionaire status. It provides the lowdown on making wise financial decisions, with guidance on managing investments and inheritances, minimizing taxes, making money grow, and, most important, how to avoid common and costly financial mistakes. Millionaire wannabes will see how to maintain financial security throughout their life with this easy-to-follow road map to financial independence. For individuals who yearn to make millions but don't want to be restricted to owning or running a business, the book features other options, such as inventing and patenting the next big thing, consulting, selling high-value collectibles, and flipping or owning real estate.



Part I: Getting your Finances in Order
Chapter 1: Gathering the Building Blocks
Chapter 2: Understanding Your Money Personality
Chapter 3: Setting Your Financial Goals
Chapter 4." Working Out Finances with Your Spouse or Partner
Part If: Strategies for Building Wealth
Chapter 5." Living below Your Means
Chapter 6: Managing Debt and Freeing Up Your Money
Chapter 7: Starting on Your Savings Plan
Chapter 8: Getting the Most from Your Job
Part Ill: Paths Paved with Gold
Chapter 9: Starting Your Own Business
Chapter 10: Inventing a Better Mousetrap
Chapter 11: Inheriting Wealth
Chapter 12: Winning Wealth
Chapter 13: Investing for Wealth
Chapter 14: Joining the Landed Gentry
Part IV: Managing your Wealth
Chapter 15: Going to the Pros
Chapter 16: Going for Growth versus Going for Income
Chapter 17: Minimizing Uncle Sam's Share
Chapter 18: Covering Your Assets
Chapter 19: Planning for Your Heirs
Chapter 20: Keeping Your Finances in Good Health
Part V: The Part of Tens
Chapter 21: Ten Traits of Millionaires
Chapter 22: Ten Ways to Find More (Of Your Own) Money
Chapter 23: Ten Ways to Make Your Money Work Harder
Chapter 24: Ten Ways You Can Tell You're a Millionaire




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