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When All YouVe Ever Wanted Isn Enough

When All YouVe Ever Wanted Isn Enough

最 低 价:¥18.60

定 价:¥169.50

作 者:Harold S. Kushner

出 版 社:Summit Books


I S B N:9780671543426




The Washington Post Thoughtful, well reasoned...a useful spiritual survival manual.The Baltimore Sun Rabbi Harold S. Kushner has written a...book to give disillusioned Americans something to feel good about.Redbook Inspirational...Rabbi Kushner gives good people more good advice.--This text refers to the Paperbackedition.


There is no Answer but there are answers... Rabbi Kushner s previous bestseller brought comfort to millions by helping them cope with life s shattering tragedies. Now he applies his compassionate mind to another kind of problem, one more delicate that that of sudden tradgedy, but just as dangerous - the felling that life is utterly meaningless. Again, I came away impressed and consoled...This book affectingly teaches what Ecclesiastes learned: happiness derives not from wealth, power, learning, indulgence even religiosity, but from living fully in the moment, becoming a good human being, risking the pain of giving yourself to what matters Los Angeles Times. Sensible and helpful...At a time when most self-help manuals are topical consumer reading, it is refreshing to find one that attempts to deal with the timeless New York Times A thoughtful, well-reasoned meditation and a useful spiritual manual Washington Post Wise, compassionate, and sure to be in demand New York Library Journal






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