There is no Answer but there are answers... Rabbi Kushner s previous bestseller brought comfort to millions by helping them cope with life s shattering tragedies. Now he applies his compassionate mind to another kind of problem, one more delicate that that of sudden tradgedy, but just as dangerous - the felling that life is utterly meaningless. Again, I came away impressed and consoled...This book affectingly teaches what Ecclesiastes learned: happiness derives not from wealth, power, learning, indulgence even religiosity, but from living fully in the moment, becoming a good human being, risking the pain of giving yourself to what matters Los Angeles Times. Sensible and helpful...At a time when most self-help manuals are topical consumer reading, it is refreshing to find one that attempts to deal with the timeless New York Times A thoughtful, well-reasoned meditation and a useful spiritual manual Washington Post Wise, compassionate, and sure to be in demand New York Library Journal |