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贝多芬钢琴独奏变奏曲全谱omplete Variations for Solo Piano

贝多芬钢琴独奏变奏曲全谱omplete Variations for Solo Piano

最 低 价:¥137.90

定 价:¥153.23

作 者:Ludwig van Beethoven 著

出 版 社:Dover


I S B N:9780486251882




The piano music of Beethoven is an indispensable part of the repertoire of any
serious pianist. Especially appealing are the variations, magnificent compositions
second only to the sonatas and concertos in importance, and among the most
recorded and performed music in the piano literature.
This volume contains all 21 sets of Beethoven's solo piano variations, including the extremely popular Diabelli Variations, Op. 120, which, in the view of many critics,accomplished for the piano what Bach's Goldberg Variations did for the harpsi-chord. Also included are the perennially admired Thirty-two Variations in C Minor,the Eroica Variations, Op. 35, and a treasury of variations on themes by Dressier,Salieri, Sfissmayr, Righini and other composers.
Reprinted from the authoritative Breitkopf & Hartel edition, this music manifests the prodigious invention and imagination the master brought to the variation form.Now the complete corpus of variations is available in this inexpensive reliable edition, ready to inspire and challenge pianists and music lovers.
Unabridged Dover (1986) republication of music from "Serie 17. Variationen fiir
das Pianoforte," Ludwig van Beethoven's Werke, Breitkopf & Hartel, Leipzig,1862-65. 240pp. 93/8×121/4. Paperbound.



Nine Variations on a March by [Ernst Christoph?] Dressier, C Minor, WoO 63 (composed 1782, dedicated to Countess yon Wolf-Metternich)
Twenty-four Variations on the Arietta "Venni amore" by Vin-cenzo Righini, D Major, WoO 65 (composed 1790/1, dedicated to Countess von Hatzfeld)
Thirteen Variations on the Arietta "Es war einmal ein alter Mann" from the Operetta Das rote K@pchen by Carl Ditters yon Dittersdorf, A Major, WoO 66 (composed 1792)
Six Easy Variations on a Swiss Song, F Major, WoO 64 (com-posed before 1793)
Twelve Variations on the Menuet a la Vigan6 from the Ballet Le nozze disturbate by Jakob Haibel, C Major, WoO 68 (composed 1795)
Nine Variations on the Aria "Quant'e piu bello" from the Opera La molinara by Giovanni Paisiello, A Major, WoO 69 (com- posed 1795, dedicated to Prince Lichnowsky)
Six Variations on the Duet "Nel cot piu non mi sento" from the Opera La molinara by Giovanni Paisiello, G Major, WoO 70 (composed 1795)
Eight Variations on the Romance "Une fievre brulante" from the Opera Richard Cceur de Lion by Andre Gretry, C Major, WoO 72 (composed about 1795)
Twelve Variations on the Russian Dance from the Ballet Das Waldmaidchen by Paul Wranitzky, A Major, WoO 71 (composed 1796/7, dedicated to Countess von Browne)
Ten Variations on the Duet "La stessa, la stessissima" from the Comic Opera Falstaff by Antonio Salieri, B-fiat Major, WoO 73 (composed 1799, dedicated to Countess yon Keglevics)
Eight Variations on the Trio "Tandeln und Scherzen" from the Singspiel Soliman der Zweite by Franz Xaver Sussmayr, F Major,WoO 76 (composed 1799, dedicated to Countess von Browne)
Seven Variations on the Quartet "Kind, willst du ruhig schlafen"from the Opera Das unterbrochene Opferfest by Peter Winter, C Major, WoO 75 (composed 1799)
Six Easy Variations on an Original Theme, G Major, WoO 77(composed 1800)
Six Variations on an Original Theme, F Major, Op. 34 (com-posed 1802, dedicated to Princess Odescalchi)
Fifteen Variations and a Fugue on an Original Theme ("Eroica Variations"), E-fiat Major, Op. 35 (composed 1802, dedicated to Count Lichnowsky)
Seven Variations on "God Save the King," C Major, WoO 78 (composed 1802/3)
Five Variations on "Rule Britannia" [from the Masque A!/'red by Thomas Augustine Arne], D Major, WoO 79 (composed 1803)
Thirty-two Variations on an Original Theme, C Minor, WoO 80 (composed 1806)
Six Variations on an Original Theme, D Major, Op. 76 (com-posed 1809, dedicated to Franz Oliva)
Thirty-three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, C Major, Op. 120(composed 1819, 1822/3, dedicated to Antonie Brentano)
Eight Variations on the Song "Ich hab ein kleines Ht~ttchen nut"




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