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交响诗全谱Ⅰ:《唐璜》、《英雄的一生》、《唐吉诃德》/Tone Poems in Full Score

交响诗全谱Ⅰ:《唐璜》、《英雄的一生》、《唐吉诃德》/Tone Poems in Full Score

最 低 价:¥154.20

定 价:¥171.31

作 者:RichardStrauss 著

出 版 社:W W Norton & Co Ltd


I S B N:9780486237541




The tone poems of Riehard Strauss rank with the finest orchestral compositions ever
created. This volume conveniently brings together for the first time three of these major works, reproduced from complete and authentic first editions. Never before have these important works been available in a full-sized, inexpensive edition.
The beautifully engraved scores are printed with clarity and precision throughout. The nmsie has been reproduced in a size large enough to be read easily, with large noteheads, wide margins (for written notes, annotations, etc.), and on opaque paper with sturdy, sewn bindings. Pages lie flat and will not fall out. The edition is practical for almost any use, whether as a study guide, a reference or an indispensable companion for your greater musical enjoyment.
Unabridged (1979) republication of works published by Jos. Aibl Verlag, Munich, in 1890, 1891, and 1898. Poems and all other texts, including musical indications, in German and new English translation by Stanley Appelbaum. ii + 286pp. 93/8×121/4. Paperbound.






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