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Intercultural Communication: A Reader with InfoTr

Intercultural Communication: A Reader with InfoTr

最 低 价:¥408.00

定 价:¥1379.50

作 者:Larry A.(Larry A. Samovar) Samovar,Richard E. Porter,Edwin R. McDaniel

出 版 社:Wadsworth Publishing


I S B N:9780534644406



Preface. 1. APPROACHES TO INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION. Understanding Intercultural Communication: Some Working Principles - Edwin R. McDaniel, Larry A. Samovar and Richard E. Porter. Dimensionalizing Cultures: The Hofstede Model In Context - Geert Hofstede. Culture and Conflict - Harry C. Triandis. Intercultural Communication in a Globalized World - Bernard Saint-Jacques. Worldview in Intercultural Communication: A Religio-Cosmological Approach - Satoshi Ishii, Donald Klopf, and Peggy Cooke. Harmony without Uniformity: An Asiacentric Worldview and its Communicative Implications. - Yoshitaka Miike. CULTURAL IDENTITY: ISSUES OF BELONGING. Globalization and Intercultural Personhood - Young Yun Kim. An Alternative View of Identity - Guo-Ming Chen. Living within Whiteness: A Project Aimed at Undermining Racism - John T. Warren. American Indian Identity: Communicating with Indian-ness - Steven B. Pratt, Merry C. Pratt, and Lynda D. Dixon. We don't talk right. You ask him. - Joan Wynne. International Marriages in Japan: Cultural Conflict and Harmony - Steven E. Quasha and FumikoTsukada. 3. INTERNATIONAL CULTURES: UNDERSTANDING DIVERSITY. The Spitituality of "Being" Grace and Tao and Awaken in Intercultural Communication - Mary Fong. Chimerica: United States-China Communication for the Twenty-first Century - Wenshan Jia, Dexin Tian, and Xuanzi B. Jia. Communication with Indians.- Rajesh Kumar and Anand Kumar Sethi. When Face-to-Face Won't Work: Use of Informal Intermediaries to Communicate Interpersonally in Sub-Saharan Africa - Ann Neville Miller. Russian Cultural Values and Communication Styles - Mira Bergelson. LadylikeMen and Guyland: Cross-Cultural Accomplishments of Masculinities - Justin Charlebois. 4. CO-CULTURES: LIVING IN TWO CULTURES. Unum and Pluribus - Young Yun Kim. Beyond Tolerance: Action Oriented-Interfaith Dialogue with Muslim Communities - Polly Begley. Americans in Black and Brown: Exploring Sources of Intercultural Tensions Between Blacks and Latinos. - Peter Nwosu. Which is My Good Leg? - Dawn Braithwaite and Charles Braithwaite. In Plain Sight: Gay and Lesbian Communication and Culture - William F. Eadie. 5. INTERCULTURAL MESSAGES: VERBAL AND NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION. The Nexus of Language, Communication, and Culture - Mary Fong. Dialogue, Argument, and Cultural Communication Codes Between Israeli-Jews and Palestinians - Donald G. Ellis and Ifat Maoz. Public Speaking Patterns in Kenya - Ann Neville Miller. Mexican Dichos: Lessons Through Language - Carolyn Roy. The Basis of Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Communication - Peter A. Andersen. Monochronic and Polychronic Time - Edward T. Hall. Mexicans and Americans: A Different Sense of Space - Ned Crouch. 6. CULTURAL CONTEXTS: THE INFLUENCE OF SETTING. Japanese Style of Decision Making in Business Organizations - Kazuo Nishiyama. Comparing and Contrasting Germanand American Business Cultures - Michael Hinner. The Problem of Globalization: Jamaican Managers at the Intersection of Past and Present Cultural Challenges - Maurice Hall. Health Journeys: Intersections Between Ancient Healing and Modern Medicine - Polly A. Begley and Debbie A. Ockey. Reflections on a Conversation with a Curandera - Roxanne Amerson. Culture and Communication in the Classroom - Geneva Gay. Enculturation of Values in the Educational Setting: Japanese Group Orientation - Edwin R. McDaniel and Eriko Katsumata. Intercultural Communication and the Global Classroom - Charles Braithwaite. 7. COMMUNICATING INTERCULTURALLY: BECOMING COMPETENT. Axioms for a Theory of Intercultural Communication Competence - Brian H. Spitzberg. Confucian Perspectives of Communication Competence - Xiasosui Xiao and Guo-Ming Chen. Harmony, Conflict and the Process of Argument in Chinese societies - Michael David Hazen and Rui Shi. The Social Construction of Demeanor Through Deference Rituals - Justin Charlebois. Discriminating Attitudes Toward Speech - Aaron Castelan Cargile. 8. ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS PROSPECTS FOR THE FUTURE. A Communicative Approach to Intercultural Dialogue on Ethics - Richard J. Evanoff. Worldview: The Ethical Dimension - Ninian Smart. Cultural Diversity: A World View - Thomas Sowell. The Limits of Cultural Diversity - Harlan Cleveland.--This text refers to an alternate Paperbackedition.


INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION: A READER is based on the idea that successful intercultural communication is a matter of highest importance if humankind and society are to survive. This text is theoretical and practical so that the issues associated with intercultural communication can be first understood and then acted upon. This broad-based, highly engaging reader, compiled by the authors who defined the course, includes a balance of articles -- some commissioned solely for this text --that discuss the classic ideas that laid the groundwork for this field, as well as those that investigate the field s latest research and ideas. Material is presented in context that allows students to read, understand and then apply the concepts to their lives to ensure that they are effective, culturally aware communicators.






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