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作 者:莫特

出 版 社:电子工业出版社


I S B N: 9787121042218





本书是美国robert l. mott教授所著machine elements in mechanical design(fourth edition,2004)的缩编版。缩编者在保持原书特色和风格的前提下,根据我国机械设计课程的教学要求,删去了原书中与我国其他先修课程重复的部分内容,将原书23章缩编为16章,并将计量单位转换为公制。缩编后的内容包括:机械设计概论,带传动与链传动,齿轮传动与蜗杆传动,轴,轴联接件(键、联轴器、密封),滚动轴承,滑动轴承,紧固件,弹簧,机座,离合器与制动器,设计大作业等。



patrⅰprinciples of design and stress analysis
 1 the nature of mechanical design
  the big picture
  you are the designer
   1-1 objectives of this chapter
   1-2 the mechanical design process
   1-3 skills needed in mechanical design
   1-4 functions, design requirements, and evaluation criteria
   1-5 example of the integration of machine elements into a mechanical design
   1-6 computational aids in this book
   1-7 design calculations
   1-8 unit systems
 2 materials in mechanical design
  the big picture
  you are the designer
   2-1 objectives of this chapter
   2-2 properties of materials
   2-3 classification of metals and alloys
   2-4 variability of material properties data
   2-5 carbon and alloy steel
   2-6 conditions for steels and heat treatment
   2-7 materials selection
 3 design for different types of loading
  the big picture
   3-1 objectives of this chapter
   3-2 types of loading and stress ratio
   3-3 endurance strength
   3-4 estimated actual endurance strength,
   3-5 example problems for estimating actual endurance strength
   3-6 design philosophy
   3-7 design factors
   3-8 predictions of failure
   3-9 design analysis methods
   3-10 general design procedure
   3-11 design examples
   3-12 statistical approaches to design
   3-13 finite life and damage accumulation method
patrⅱdesign of a mechanical drive
 4 belt drives and chain drives
  the big picture
  you are the designer
   4-1 objectives of this chapter
   4-2 types of belt drives
   4-3 v-belt drives
   4-4 v-belt drive design
   4-5 chain drives
   4-6 design of chain drives
 5 spur gear design
  the big picture
  you are the designer
   5-1 objectives of this chapter
   5-2 spur gear nomenclature and gear-tooth features
   5-3 forces, torque, and power in gearing
   5-4 gear manufacture
   5-5 gear quality
   5-6 allowable stress numbers
   5-7 metallic gear materials
   5-8 stresses in gear teeth
   5-9 selection of gear material based on bending stress
   5-10 pitting resistance of gear teeth
   5-11 selection of gear material based on contact stress
   5-12 design of spur gears
   5-13 gear design for the metric module system
   5-14 computer-aided spur gear design and analysis
   5-15 use of the spur gear design spreadsheet
   5-16 power-transmitting capacity
   5-17 practical considerations for gears and interfaces with other elements
 6 helical gears, bevel gears, and wormgearing
 7 keys, couplings, and seals
 8 shaft design
 9 rolling contact bearings
 10 completion of the design of a power transmission
patrⅲdesign details and other machine elements
 11 plain surface bearings
 12 fasteners
 13 springs
 14 machine frames, bolted connections, and welded joints
 15 motion control: clutches and brakes
 16 design projects
appendix 1 preferred basic sizes and screw threads
appendix 2 design properties of carbon and alloy steels
appendix 3 properties of heat-treated steels
appendix 4 properties of carburized steels
appendix 5 beam-deflection formulas
appendix 6 stress concentration factors
appendix 7 conversion factors
appendix 8 hardness conversion table
answers to selected problems




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