PERSON TO PETSON Interviews Meeting people Offers,requests and permission Checking information Present tenses Opposites Reading:The perfect boss? Modal verbs What do you say? Vocabulary review PHONE CALLS Interviews Telephone phrases Aaking for clarifcation Leaving a message More telephone phrases Bad news and apologies Reading:Mobile phones Past tenses Abbreviations Synonyms Articles and quantifiers What do you say? Vocabulary review WRITING Interviews Adverbs and word order Reading:Spam Joining sentences and relative clauses British and American English Punctuation and splling Prefixes Vocabulary review EXCHANGING INFORMATION Interviews Asking and answering Checking and giving details Answering difficult questions Making arrangements Reading:First America,then the world Questions and question tags Suffixes-1 reported speech Numbers What do you say? vocabulary review MEETINGS …… ENTERTAINING VISITORS EXPLAINING AND PRESENTING SNSWERS AND TRANSCRIPTS |