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本书从理论角度系统地探讨了第二语言教师培训的定义、范围、理论与实践基础、教师的理念、知识、思想等对成功教学的影响等,针对性强,观点明确,系统全面。本丛书精选自剑桥大学出版社为语言教师设计的多套论著和教程,均为当代语言教育领域的力作。由当今国际语言教育界的权威人士编者并由国内英语教育界专家学者撰写前言或导读。本丛书的20个选题是目前英语教师最需要了解的课题。本丛书可作为英语教师继续教育和师范院校英语和系的教材,并可供在职大中学教师和语言教育研究者使用。 |
总序 Foreword Credits Preface 导读 1 The scope of second language teacher education Part I Theories of second language teaching 2 Theories of teaching in language teacher education 3 Thachers's maxims Part II Perspectives on teacher thinking 4 Teacher beliefs and decision making 5 Exploring pedagogical reasoning skills 6 What's the use of lesson plans? Part III Examining teacher education practices 7 Textbooks:Help or hindrance in teaching? 8 Through other eyes:Revisiting chlssroom observation 9 Reflective thinking through journal writing Prat IV Entering the field of language teaching 10 The hrst year of&nb |