外研社和人教社联合推出这套“剑桥英语教师丛书”,以配合全国中小学英语教师的培训工程。本套丛书的使用者注意两点:第一, 这套书不仅仅传播技巧,更重要的是提供思想和方法;不是提供对问题的现成答案,而是告诉你各种理论观点和看法。第二,本套丛书的读者应该努力初步掌握外语教学中的科研方法,学会设计小型的科研项目,学会进行课堂观察,设计问卷,经常写教学日志,会抽样,会收集各种数据,会统计和分析数据等。
总序 Preface 导读 1.The context of language teaching 2.Method:approach,design,and procedure with Ted Rodgers 3.The secret life of methods 4.A noncontrastive approach to error analysis 5.Error analysis,interlanguage,and second language acquisition:a review 6.Communicative needs in second-and foreign-language learning 7.Answers to yes/no questions 8.Speech acts and second-language learning with Richard W.Schmidt 9.Cross-cultural aspects of conversational competence with Mayuri Sukwiwat 10.The status of grammar in the language curriculum 11.Introducing the progressive 12.Introducing the perfect:an exercise in pedagogic grammar 13.Lexical knowledge and the teaching of vocabulary 14.Listening comprehension:approach,design,and procedure References Index |