Dick Morris (born November 28, 1948 in New York City) is an American political author, newspaper columnist, and commentator who was once a successful pollster, political campaign consultant, and general political consultant. |
Introduction PARTⅠ THE OBSTRUCTIONISTS 1 The New New York Times:All the NEws That Fits;They Print 2 After lraq:The Media Credibility Gap 3 Apres moi Le Deluge:How Clinton Left Ticking Terror Time Bombs for Bush to Discover 4 The Hollywood Apologists 5 France:From Great to lngrate PARTⅡ OUR OTHER ASSAILANTS 6 The Attack on Our Economy:How Two Senators-Christopher Dodd and Phil Gramm-Passed Laws That Helped Enron Defranud Its Investors with lmpunity 7 The Attack on Our Democracy:How Incumbent Congressmen and Their Political Bosses Took Away Our Power to Choose Our House of Representatives 8 The Attack on Our Kids:How the Governors Swiped the Antitobacco Money and Endangerd Our Health 9 The Attack on the Elderly:Nursing Home Nazis Epilogue Acknowledgments Notes |