chapter 1 definition of metamorphism, classification ofmetamorphic rocks 1.1 definition of metamorphism 1.2 classification and nomenclature of metamorphic rocks 1.3 the minerals of metamorphic rocks 1.4 english mineral names 1.5 description of thin sectio of metamorphic rocks homeworkchapter 2 conditio of metamorphism, p-t-t paths, the phase rule,composition-assemblage diagrams, metamorphic facies 2.1 limits of metamorphism 2.2 p-t-t paths 2.3 equilibrium 2.4 the phase rule 2.5 using the phase rule to fix p- t conditio 2.6 afm diagrams 2.7 metamorphic facies homeworkchapter 3 contact metamorphism 1 : the role of heat 3.1 introduction 3.2 contact aureole of the markfield diorite, leicestehire,england 3.3 contact aureole of the skiddaw granite, lake district,england 3.4