Section One-Talking Figures 1.1 Numbers and You 1.2 Saying Numbers Section Two-Accounting Basics 2.1 Company Law 2.2 Bookkeeping 2.3 Accounting 2.4 Accounting Principles 1 2.5 Accounting Principles 2 2.6 Types of Assets 2.7 Depreciation 2.8 Cash Flow 2.9 Financial Statements 2.10 Liquid Metaphors 2.11 Bankruptcy 2.12 Phrasal Verbs-Bad Debts 2.13 Auditing 2.14 Annual General Meetings 2.15 Cost Accounting 2.16 Word Partnerships-Account 2.17 Review-Accounting 1 2.18 Review-Accounting 2 Section Three-Money and Banking 3.1 Forms of Money 3.2 Borrowing and Lending 3.3 Central Banking 3.4 The Money Supply 3.5 Commercial Banking 3.6 Types of Bank 3.7 Banking Products 3.8 Word Partnerships-Bank 3.9 Interest Rates 3.10 Eurocurrencies 3.11 Exchange Rates 3.12 Third World Debt 3.13 Review- Banking Verbs 3.14 Review- Banking Services 3.15 Insurance 3.16 Time Metaphors Section Four-Trade and Commerce 4.1 Ways of Selling 1 4.2 Ways of Selling 2 4.3 International Trade 4.4 Imports and Exports 4.5 Incoterms 4.6 Financing Foreign Trade 4.7 Pricing 4.8 Pricing Strategies 4.9 Word Partnerships-Price 4.10 Word Partnerships- Cost 4.11 Review-Trade and Commerce Section Five-Company Finance 5.1 Stocks and Shares 1 5.2 Stocks and Shares 2 5.3 Types of Shares 5.4 Market Price Idioms 5.5 Rise and Fall 5.6 Bonds 5.7 Financial Instruments 5.8 Futures and Options 5.9 Review-Bonds and Shares 5.10 Review- Securities 5.11 Review-Financial Instruments 5.12 Financial Ratios 5.13 Takeovers 5.14 Phrasal Verbs-Takeovers 5.15 Word Partnerships- Capital 5.16 Leveraged Buyouts 5.17 Insider Dealing Puzzle 5.18 Business People Section Six-Economic Issues Section Seven-Minin-Dictionary Answer Key |