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About Thie Authors Craig Dennis CNE, CBE, CCNA, CCDA, CCDP, CCSI for ICRC, ACRC, CLSC, CMTD, BCRAN, CRLS, DCN CID, spent several years with Texaco working on their Research and Development facilities. He was the Network Manager for the Marine Corps National Capitol Region Network. Craig is currently an instructor for Global Knowledge, Inc. Eric Quinn CCNP, CCDP, CCSI, CNE, MCSE, MCT, has worked as a Network Adm.. << 查看详细 |
table of contents chapter 1 ciseo cehifieation exams the exam situation 2 exam layout and design 3 using cisco's exam software ehedively 5 exam-taking basics 6 question-handling strategies 7 mastering the inner game 8 additional resources 9 chapter 2 the seledion of remote ateess hardvrare fadors that ahed hardware selection 1 4 wan connection selection 1 6 site requirements 1 7 hardware selection 1 8 pradiee questions 22 need to know more? 25 chapter 3 vvide area network connediviq . physical 5ignaling 28 the next generation of digital transmissions 32 pradlee questions 37 need to know more? 4.2 chapter 4 asynehronous modem connedions asynchronous signaling 44 modem signaling 48 modem configuration and reverse telnd basic modem configuration 55 asynchronous addressing schemes 62 study cuide 64 praetiee questions 65 need to know more? 71 chapter 5 configuring ppp with pap and chap authentieation remote access 74 configuring ppp for chap authenticatior additional ppp sehings 79 troubleshooting ppp 83 pradice questions 86 need to know more? 91 chapter 6 vvindovrs 95 dial-up access the basics of windows dial-up 94 installing dial-up networking 95 troubleshooting dun 1 04 pradlce questlons 1 09 need to know more? 1 14 chapter 7 15dn and d5l introduction to 15dn and d5l 1 16 integrated services digital network (isdn) 1 16 digital 5ubscriber link (dsl) 145 pradice questions 1 50 need to know more? 161 chapter 8 oial-on-demand interfaces dialer profiles 1 64 incoming calls with rotary groups 1 68 configuration example and explnation 1 69 pradice questions 1 73 need to know more? 177 chapter 9 configuration and features of the 700 5eries router 700 features 1 80 configuration and profiles 1 82 dhcp and pat 185 optional interface configuration features 1 86 pradice questions 1 89 need to know more? 193 chapter 1 0 x.2 5 tunneling layer 3 trahic across x.25 197 data transmission 1 99 analysis and troubleshooting 203 example configuration 203 practiee questlons 205 need to know more? 21 1 chapter 1 1 rrame relay ordering the circuit 214 ahaching to another location 21 5 connecting a single interface to multiple locations 21 8 frame relay trahic shaping 222 miscellaneous frame relay 225 monitoring frame relay operation 228 pradiee questions 231 need to know more? 237 chapter 1 2 enabling a 8aekup to a permanent conneetion configuring dial backup for primary link failure 240 load sharing and dial backup 246 verifying a dial backup configuration 248 pradice questlons 249 need to know more? 253 chapter 1 3 trahit queues the three types of queuing 256 weighted fair queuing 257 priority queuing 258 custom queuing 263 case study 268 data compression 269 pradice questions 274 need to know more? 278 . chapter 1 4 network address translation. nat definitions 281 nat configurations 283 verification of nat translation 293 pon address translation 295 praetiee questions 298 need to know more? 305 chapter 1 5 authentieationr authorization and aeeounting introduction to aaa 308 aaa configuration 3 1 o virtual profiles 321 pradice questions 323 need to know more? 328 chapter 1 6 sample test chapter 1 7 answer key gl0ssary index introdudion welcome to the ccnp remote exam gram! this book aims to help you get ready to take-and pass-the cisco career certification test 640-505, "re- mote access." this tntroduction explains cisco's certification programs in general and talk about holv the exam gram series can help you prepare for cisco's career certification exams. exanz cran2 book help you understand and appreciate tlle' subjects and mate- rials you need to pass cisco career ceniffcation sams. exam cram are aimed strictly at test preparation and review. they do not teach you everything you need to know about a topic (like the reasons for dial-bachlp or electing inter- esting packet types). instead, we present anfl dissect the questions and problems we've found that you're likely to encounter on a test. we've worked from cisco's own training materials, preparation guides, and tests, and from a battery of third-parry test prepaxation tools. our aim is to bring together as much infor- mation as possible about cisco certification exams. nevertheless, to completely prepare yourself any cisco test, we recommend that you begin your studies with some instructor-led classroom training. you should also pick up and read one of the many sstdy guides available from cisco or third-party vendors, including the coriolis group's exam prep series. we also strongly recommend that you install, configure, and fool around with the internetwork operating system (ios) software or environment that you'll be tested on, because nothing beats hands-on experience and familiarity when it comes to understanding the questions you're likely to encounter on a certifica- tion test. book learning is essential, but hands-on experience is the best teacher of all! the ciseo career cerifieation program fhe cisco career certiffcation program is relatively new on tlle internetvvorking scene. the best place to keep tabs on it is the cisco training web site, at www.cisco.com/certifications/. before cisco developed this program, cisco certified internetwork expert (ccie) certification was the only available cisco |