在正方形里把比尔熊找 Find the bear in the square
在皇后头上把心形找 Find the hearts in the queen’s hair
在游泳池里把圆形找 Find the circles in the pool
在学校里把长方形找 Find the rectangles in the school 。。。。。。
这里是厨房,干净又整齐, This is the kitchen, all clean and neat,
这里是餐厅,比尔熊在吃东西。 And this is the dining room, where bear likes to eat。
这里是游戏室,好多玩具装在箱子里, This is the playroom, with a great big toy chest,
这里是客厅, 比尔熊在休息。 And this is the sitting room,where bear likes to rest。 。。。。。。
《比尔熊上街》 星期一,他去面包房。 On Monday, he goes to the bakery。
星期二,他去游泳。 On Tuesday, he goes for a swim。
星期三,他去看电影。 On Wednesday, he watches a film。
星期四,他去健身房。 On Thursday, he visits the gym 。?。。。。
《比尔熊的一家》 闻一闻熊奶奶烤的面包 Smell the bread my grandma bakes
摸一摸熊爷爷做的碗 Touch the bowls my grandpa makes
尝一尝熊叔叔钓的鱼 Taste the fish my uncle brings
听一听熊阿姨唱的歌 Hear the songs my auntie sings 。。。。。。
《阳光下的比尔熊》 出太阳的时候,比尔熊喜欢玩耍, Bear likes to play when the sun shines,
下雨的时候,比尔熊喜欢唱歌。 Bear likes to sing in the rain.
刮风的时候,比尔熊?欢放风筝, He flies his red kite when the wind blows,
路上结冰的时候,比尔熊喜欢滑冰。 When it’s icy, he skates in the lane.
起雾的时候,比尔熊喜欢画画, Bear likes to paint when it’s misty, 。。。。。。
《比尔熊骑自行车》 比尔熊骑自行车,看起来真高兴。比尔熊,你要去哪里?请你等等我! Bear on a bike, as happy as can be. Where are you going, bear? Please wait for me!
我要去集市,那里卖水果和鲜花,人们可以买新鲜的桔子和一盆盆的金盏花。 I’m going to the market, where fruit and flowers are sold, where people buy fresh oranges and pots of marigold. 。。。。。。