《英语教学方法论》由侯冰洁、刘希彦等编写。 |
part one the conceptual basis of foreign language teaching chapter 1 the nature of language and language proficiency 1.1 structuralism 1.2 functionalism 1.3 language proficiency references chapter 2 the nature of language learning 2.1 theories of language learning 2.2 learning strategies 2.3 learner factors references chapter 3 the nature of language teaching 3.1 language teaching objectives 3.2 syllabus 3.3 roles of teachers & learners 3.4 teaching materials evaluation 3.5 language testing referenccs chapter 4 the language teaching background: a brief history oflanguage teaching 4.1 language teaching in the classical era . 4.2 language teaching in the 19th century 4.3 language teaching since 1900 references part two language teaching methodology chapter 5 the grammar-translation method 5.1 introduction 5.2 theoretical assumptions 5.3 principal features 5.4 description of a sample lesson 5.5 critique references chapter 6 the direct method 6.1 introduction 6.2 theoretical assumptions 6.3 principal features 6.4 description of a sample lesson 6.5 critique references chapter 7 the audiolingual method 7.1 introduction 7.2 theoretical assumptions 7.3 principal features 7.4 description of a sample lesson 7.5 critique references chapter 8 the natural approach 8.1 introduction 8.2 theoretical assumptions 8.3 principal features 8.4 description of a sample lesson 8.5 critique references chapter 9 total physical response chapter 10 community language learning chapter 11 the silent way chapter 12 suggestopedia chapter 13 communicative language teaching chapter 14 final comments on the methodology in tesol |