INTRODUCTION JOBS,PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONS 1 Work and jobs 2 Ways of working 3 Recruitment and selection 4 Skills and pualifications 5 Pay and benefits 6 People and worklaces 7 The career ladder 8 Problems at work 9 Managers,executives and directors 10 Businesspeople and business leaders 11 Organizations1 12 Organizations2 PRODUCTION 13 Manufactring and services 14 The development process 15 Innovation and invention 16 Making things 17 Materials and suppliers 18 Business philosophies MARKETING 19 Buyers,sellers and the market 20 Markets and competitors 21 Marketing and market orientation 22 Products and brands 23 Price 24 Place 25 Promotion 26 The Internet and e-commerce MONEY 27 Sales and costs 28 Profitability and unprofitability 29 Getting paid 30 Assets,liabilities and the balance sheet …… |