最 低 价:¥65.60
定 价:¥83.00
作 者:V.B.Berestetskii,E.M.Lifshitz,L.P.Pitaevskii 著
出 版 社:世界图书出版公司
出版时间:1999 年5月
I S B N:7506242583
*力学 第3版--理论物理学教程 第1卷(英文影印版) |
notation. introduction 1. the uncertainty principle in the relativistic case i. photons 2. quantization of the free electromagnetic field 3. photons 4. gauge invariance 5. the electromagnetic field in quantum theory 6. the angular momentum and parity of the photon 7. spherical waves of photons 8. the polarization of the photon 9. a two-photon system ii. bosons 10. the wave equation for particles with spin zero 11. particles and antiparticles 12. strictly neutral particles 13. the transformations c, p and t 14. the wave equation for a particle with spin one 15. the wave equation for particles with higher integral spins 16. helicity states of a particle .iii. fermions 17. four-dimensional spinors 18. the relation between spinors and 4-vectors 19. inversion of spinors 20. dirac's equation in the spinor representation 21. . the symmetrical form of dirac's equation 22. algebra of dirac matrices 23. plane waves 24. spherical waves 25. the relation between the spin and the statistics 26. charge conjugation and time reversal of spinors 27. internal symmetry of particles and antiparticles 28. bilinear forms 29. the polarization density matrix 30. neutrinos 31. the wave equation for a particle with spin 3/2 iv. particles in an external field 32. dirac's equation for an electron in an external field 33. expansion in powers of llc 34. fine structure of levels of the hydrogen atom 35. motion in a centrally symmetric field 36. motion in a coulomb field 37. scattering in a centrally symmetric field 38. scattering in the ultra-relativistic case 39. the continuous-spectrum wave functions for scattering in a coulomb field 40. an electron in the field of an electromagnetic plane wave 41. motion of spin in an external field 42. neutron scattering in an electric field v. radiation 43. the electromagnetic interaction operator 44. emission and absorption 45. dipole radiation 46. electric multipole radiation 47. magnetic multipole radiation 48. angular distribution and polarization of the radiation 49. radiation from atoms: the electric type 50. radiation from atoms: the magnetic type 51. radiation from atoms: the zeeman and stark effects 52. radiation from atoms: the hydrogen atom 53. radiation from diatomic molecules: electronic spectra 54. radiation from diatomic molecules: vibrational and rotational spectra 55. radiation from nuclei 56. the photoelectric effect: non-relativistic case 57. the photoelectric effect: relativistic case 58. photodisintegration of the deuteron vi. scattering of radiation 59. the scattering tensor 60. scattering by freely oriented systems 61. scattering by molecules 62. natural width of spectral lines 63. resonance fluorescence vii. the scattering matrix 64. the scattering amplitude 65. reactions involving polarized particles 66. kinematic invariants 67. physical regions 68. expansion in partial amplitudes 69. symmetry of helicity scattering amplitudes 70. invariant amplitudes 71. the unitarity condition viii. invariant perturbation theory 72. the chronological product 73. feynman diagrams for electron scattering 74. feynman diagrams for photon scattering 75. the electron propagator 76. the photon propagator 77. general rules of the diagram technique.. 78. crossing invariance 79. virtual particles ix. interaction of electrons 80. scattering of an electron in an external field 81. scattering of electrons and positrons by an electron 82. ionization losses of fast particles 83. brews equation 84. positronium 85. the interaction of atoms at large distances x. interaction of electrons with photons 86. scattering of a photon by an electron 87. scattering of a photon by an electron. polarization effects 88. two-photon annihilation of an electron pair 89. annihilation of positronium 90. synchrotron radiation 91. pair production by a photon in a magnetic field 92. electron-nucleus bremsstrahlung. the non-relativistic case 93. electron-nucleus bremsstrahlung. the relativistic case 94. pair production by a photon in the field of a nucleus 95. exact theory of pair production in the ultra-relativistic case 96. exact theory of bremsstrahlung in the ultra-relativistic case 97. electron-electron bremsstrahlung in the ultra-relativistic case 98. emission of soft photons in collisions 99. the method of equivalent photons 100. pair production in collisions between particles 101. emission of a photon by an electron in the field of a strong electromagnetic wave xi. exact propagators and vertex parts 102. field operators in the heisenberg representation 103. the exact photon propagator 104. the self-energy function of the photon 105. the exact electron propagator 106. vertex parts 107. dyson's equations 108. ward's identity 109. electron propagators in an external field 110. physical conditions for renormalization 111. analytical properties of photon propagators 112. regularization of feynman integrals xii. radiative corrections 113. calculation of the polarization operator 114. radiative corrections to coulomb's law 115. calculation of the imaginary part of the polarization operator from the feynman integral 116. electromagnetic form factors of the electron 117. calculation of electron form factors 118. anomalous magnetic moment of the electron 119. calculation of the mass operator 120. emission of soft photons with non-zero mass 121. electron scattering in an external field in the second born approximation 122. radiative corrections to electron scattering in an external field 123. radiative shift of atomic levels 124. radiative shift of mesic-atom levels 125. the relativistic equation for bound states 126. the double dispersion relation 127. photon-photon scattering 128. coherent scattering of a photon in the field of a nucleus 129. radiative corrections to the electromagnetic field equations 130. photon splitting in a magnetic field 131. calculation of integrals over four-dimensional regions xiii. asymptotic formulae of quantum electrodynamics 132. asymptotic form of the photon propagator for large momenta 133. the relation between unrenormalized and actual charges 134. asymptotic form of the scattering amplitudes at high energies 135. separation of the double-logarithmic terms in the vertex operator 136. double-logarithmic asymptotic form of the vertex operator 137. double-logarithmic asymptotic form of the electron-muon scattering amplitude xiv. electrodynamics of hadrons 138. electromagnetic form factors of hadrons 139. electron-hadron scattering 140. the iow-energy theorem for bremsstrahlung 141. the iow-energy theorem for photon-hadron scattering 142. multipole moments of hadrons 143. inelastic electron-hadron scattering 144. hadron formation from an electron-positron pair index... |