preface . acknowledgements 1 introduction 1.1 nanostructures: the impact 1.1.1 progressing technology 1.1.2 some physical considerations 1.2 mesoscopic observables in nanostructures 1.2.1 ballistic transport 1.2.2 phase interference 1.2.3 universal conductance fluctuations 1.2.4 weak localization 1.2.5 carder heating in nanostructures 1.3 space and time scales 1.4 an introduction to the subsequent chapters 1.5 what is omitted 2 quantum confined systems 2.1 nanostructure materials 2.2 quantization in heterojunction system 2.2.1 quantum wells and quasi-two-dimensional systems 2.2.2 coupled wells and superlattices .2.2.3 doped heterojunction systems and self-consistent solutions 2.3 lateral confinement: quantum wires and quantum dots 2.3.1 nanolithography 2.3.2 quantum wire and quantum dot structures 2.4 electronic states in quantum wires and quantum dots 2.5 magnetic field effects in quantum confined systems 2.5.1 magnetic field in a 2deg 2.5.2 magnetic field and id waveguides: edge states 2.6 screening and collective excitations in low-dimensional systems 2.6.1 dielectric function in quasi-2d systems 2.6.2 dielectric function in quasi-1d systems 2.7 homogeneous transport in low-dimensional systems 2.7.1 semiclassical transport 2.7.2 relaxation time approximations 2.7.3 elastic scattering mechanisms 2.7.4 lattice scattering 2.7.5 experimental mobility in 2deg heterostructures 2.7.6 magnetotransport in quantum confined structures 3 transmission in nanostruetures 3.1 tunneling in planar barrier structures 3.2 wavefunction treatment of tunneling 3.2.1 single rectangular barrier 3.2.2 the double barrier case 3.2.3 tunneling time 3.3 current in resonant tunneling diodes 3.3.1 coherent tunneling 3.3.2 incoherent or sequential tunneling 3.3.3 space charge effects and self-consistent solutions 3.4 landauer formula 3.5 the multi-channel case 3.6 quantized conductance in nanostructures 3.6.1 experimental results in quantum point contacts 3.6.2 adiabatic transport model 3.6.3 temperature effects 3.6.4 inhomogeneous effects 3.6.5 nonlinear transport 3.7 transport in quantum waveguide structures 3.7.1 mode-matching analysis 3.7.2 transport through bends 3.7.3 lateral resonant tunneling 3.7.4 coupled waveguides 3.8 lattice green's function method 3.8.1 single-particle green's functions 3.8.2 tight-binding hamiltonian 3.8.3 lattice green's functions 3.8.4 analytic forms of lattice green's functions 3.8.5 relation between green's functions and s-matrix 3.8.6 recursive green's function method 3.8.7 application to specific geometries 3.9 multi-probe formula 3.9.1 specific examples 3.9.2 experimental multi-probe measurements (b= 0) 3.10 magnetic fields and quantum waveguides 3.10.1 quantized conductance in a perpendicular field 3.10.2 edge states and the quantum hall effect 3.10.3 selective population of edge states 4 quantum dots and single electron phenomena 4.1 electronic states in quantum dot structures 4.1.1 noninteracting electrons in a parabolic potential 4.1.2 dot states in a magnetic field 4.1.3 multi-electron quantum dots 4.1.4 quantum dot statistics 4.1.5 spectroscopy of quantum dots 4.2 single electron tunneling and coulomb blockade 4.2.1 introduction to coulomb blockade and experimental studies 4.2.2 orthodox theory of single electron tunneling 4.2.3 co-tunneling of electrons 4.2.4 coulomb blockade in semiconductor quantum dots 4.3 coupled dots and quantum molecules 4.4 transport in anti-dot systems 4.4.1 the iow-magnetic field regime 4.4.2 the high-magnetic field regime 5 interference in diffusive transport .. 5.1 weak localization 5.1.1 semiclassical treatment of the conductance 5.1.2 effect of a magnetic field 5.1.3 size effects in quantum wires 5.1.4 the magnetic decay "time" 5.1.5 extension to short wires 5.2 universal conductance fluctuations 5.3 the green's function in transport 5.3.1 interaction and self-energies 5.3.2 impurity scattering 5.3.3 beyond the drude result 5.4 weak-localization correction to the conductance 5.4.1 the cooperon correction 5.4.2 role of a magnetic field 5.4.3 periodic eigenvalues for the magnetic effects 5.5 quantum treatment of the fluctuations 5.5.1 the correlation function in energy 5.5.2 correlation function in a magnetic field 5.6 summary of universality 5.6.1 the width dependence of the fluctuations 5.6.2 size variation of the correlation magnetic field 5.6.3 breakdown of the universality in a magnetic field 5.7 fluctuations in quantum dots 6 temperature decay of fluctuations 6.1 temperature decay of coherence 6.1.1 decay of the coherence length 6.1.2 decay of the coherence time 6.1.3 summary 6.2 the role of temperature on the fluctuations 6.2.1 fluctuation amplitudes 6.2.2 dimensional crossover 6.2.3 correlation ranges 6.3 electron-electron interaction effects 6.3.1 electron energy loss in scattering 6.3.2 screening and plasmons 6.3.3 temperature green's functions 6.3.4 one-particle density of states 6.3.5 the effective interaction potential 6.3.6 electron-electron interactions in disordered systems--the self-energy 6.4 conductivity 6.5 the phase-breaking time 6.5.1 interactions coupled to background fields 6.5.2 modifications of the self-energy 7 nonequilibrium transport and nanodeviees 7.1 nonequilibrium transport in mesoscopic devices 7.1.1 nonequilibrium effects in tunnel barriers 7.1.2 ballistic transport in vertical and planar structures 7.1.3 thermopower in nanostmctures 7.1.4 measuring the hot electron temperature 7.1.5 hot carriers in quantum dots 7.1.6 breakdown of the landauer-btittiker formula 7.2 real-time green's functions 7.2.1 equations of motion for the green's functions 7.2.2 the langreth theorem 7.2.3 the green-kubo formula 7.3 transport in an inversion layer 7.3.1 coulomb scattering 7.3.2 surface-roughness scattering 7.3.3 the retarded function 7.3.4 the "less-than" function 7.4 considerations of mesoscopic devices 7.4.1 a model device 7.4.2 proportional coupling in the leads 7.4.3 a noninteracting resonant-level model 7.4.4 another approach to the phonon-assisted tunneling 7.5 nonequilibrium transport in high electric fields 7.5.1 the retarded function 7.5.2 the "less-than" function 7.5.3 gauge-invariant formulations 7.6 screening with the airy-transformed green's function 7.7 other approaches to quantum transport in nonequilibrium systems 7.7.1 the density matrix 7.7.2 the wigner distribution index ... |