the nun story 修女的故事 who wishes to go to hell? 谁想下地狱? the clever little businessman 聪明的小商人 thank god 多谢天主 give us this day our daily bread and beer 赐我今日之食和啤酒 christian funeral 基督教葬礼 god has a sense of humour 天主也有幽默感 insincerely yours 没有诚意 jonah and the whale 约纳和大鲸 women are jealous 女人善妒 resurrection 复活 people in this parish will all go to hell 幸灾乐祸 bishop sheen and the hobo 沈主教和无业游民 miseonstrued 误解 i can resist anything but temptations 难以抗拒诱惑 kids are naive and resourceful 天真又机智的男孩 …… |