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The Secret River 神秘河(凯迪克奖作品名家绘本)

The Secret River 神秘河(凯迪克奖作品名家绘本)

最 低 价:¥93.10

定 价:¥172.00

作 者:MarjorieKinnanRawlings  等

出 版 社:Simon & Schuster


I S B N:9781416911791



时隔55年,1956年纽伯瑞银奖作品The Secret River 《神秘河》,由凯迪克金奖画手再度演绎

文:Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings 美国小说家,普利策奖得主,代表作有《鹿苑长春》;《神秘河》是她唯一一部写给孩子的书,获得1956年纽伯瑞文学银奖
图:Leo and Diane Dillon 这对夫妇是凯迪克金奖两度得主,代表作有African Traditions《非洲传说》、Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears《为什么蚊子老在耳边》
Ashanti to Zulu: African Traditions 非洲传说
Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears 为什么蚊子老在耳边

Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings + Leo and Diane Dillon = pure


A depression era story that is just as timely as it is
enchanting, this is a stunning picture book for the ages.


There’s just not enough…not enough money, not enough food, not
enough fish for her daddy to sell at the market. Hard times have
come to the forest, but Calpurnia wants to turn them back into soft
times. With her little dog Buggy Horse and a tip from old Mother
Albirtha, the wisest person in the forest, Calpurnia finds a secret
river and uses the pink paper roses from her hair to catch enough
beautiful catfish to feed the whole swamp land —with some left over
for Daddy to sell. When she tries to find the river again the next
day, Mother Albirtha tells her, “Child, sometimes a thing happens
once, and does not ever happen anymore….You caught catfish when
catfish were needed…you will not find the river again.” This story
by the Pulitzer Prize winning author of The Yearling and literary
icon Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings is about living in a time of want,
yet it is overflowing with riches—stunning language, mystical
happenings, wondrous, wondrous artwork. Beautiful in all ways that
a book can be beautiful, this unforgettable picture book is a
classic in the making.

Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings (1896-1953) is the
celebrated American author of The Yearling, which was
awarded the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1939. ^Leo and
Diane Dillon
are an award winning illustrator pair that have
collaborated of book projects for more than fifty years, winning
two consecutive Caldecott Medals for Why Mosquitoes Buzz In
People's Ears
and Ashanti To Zulu: African
. They have also received five New York
Best Illustrated Books Awards, five Coretta Scott
King Honors and one Coretta Scott King Award and many other
awards and distinctions. They live and work in Brooklyn, New


Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings + Leo and Diane Dillon = pure magic!

A depression era story that is just as timely as it is enchanting, this is a stunning picture book for the ages.

There’s just not enough…not enough money, not enough food, not enough fish for her daddy to sell at the market. Hard times have come to the forest, but Calpurnia wants to turn them back into soft times. With her little dog Buggy Horse and a tip from old Mother Albirtha, the wisest person in the forest, Calpurnia finds a secret river and uses the pink paper roses from her hair to catch enough beautiful catfish to feed the whole swamp land —with some left over for Daddy to sell. When she tries to find the river again the next day, Mother Albirtha tells her, “Child, sometimes a thing happens once, and does not ever happen anymore….You caught catfish when catfish were needed…you will not find the river again.” This story by the Pulitzer Prize winning author of The Yearling and literary icon Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings is about living in a time of want, yet it is overflowing with riches—stunning language, mystical happenings, wondrous, wondrous artwork. Beautiful in all ways that a book can be beautiful, this unforgettable picture book is a classic in the making.


Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings (1896-1953) is the celebrated American author of The Yearling, which was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1939. ^Leo and Diane Dillon are an award winning illustrator pair that have collaborated of book projects for more than fifty years, winning two consecutive Caldecott Medals for Why Mosquitoes Buzz In People's Ears and Ashanti To Zulu: African Traditions. They have also received five New York Times Best Illustrated Books Awards, five Coretta Scott King Honors and one Coretta Scott King Award and many other awards and distinctions. They live and work in Brooklyn, New York.





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