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IBM WebSphere Application Server Programming (英文原版进口)

IBM WebSphere Application Server Programming (英文原版进口)

最 低 价:¥177.80

原   价:¥508.00

Bassem W. Jamaleddine


Develop and deploy powerful Web-based applications on multiple platforms including UNIX, NT, and AIX. Packed with essential information as well as advanced techniques for developers and system integrators, this book will help you maximize every aspect of WebSphere's functionality, and fully leverage the power of this key e-infrastructure software. Covering core Web technologies including EJB, J2EE, and servlets and including original source code for hundreds of working programs, IBM WebSphere Application Server Programming belongs in the hands of every serious WebSphere developer and system integrator. ...

Bassem W. Jamaleddine is a Web systems engineer who has orchestrated the development of several projects at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, including IBM's Java-based network computer and the new generation of WAS IBM technology. ...
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