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Agni 58

Agni 58

最 低 价:¥35.20

定 价:¥320.00

作 者:Boston University

出 版 社:Boston University; 53 edition


I S B N:0001913352




Poetry: Agha Shahid Ali -- A History of Hell, James Tate -- The Florist,Adam Zagajewski -- The Poppies Fragile Glory | Smoke, David Biespiel Amichai 19242000, Paul Celan,Charles Simic Postcard from S. | The Bather, Zafer Seno?ak Four Poems, Tony Hoagland Fiddler s Convention | Heather and the Hair Color of HopeJulia Hartwig On Translating Poems by American Authors, Ira Sadoff Self-Portrait with Critic, Steve Orlen Happy as I Am, Laure-Anne Bosselaar Listener of Bats, Miguel Hernández Three Poems, Cynthia Huntington Ghost,Elizabeth Spires The Daughter of Snow,Solveig von Schoultz Two Poems,Dennis Hinrichsen Childhoods Face,Stephen Burt Canal Park Drive,David Kirby The Little Sisters of the Sacred Heart, Monica Youn Titians Salome, Michael McFee Over, Meg Kearney Call Me Dr. Frankenstein, Martha Collins Chorale,Michael Tyrell Two Poems,Miranda Field As the Crow Flies, So Will It Fall | Niagara DiaryJoel Brouwer Meadow | History | Detroit | CenturyEwa Lipska Hannah ArendtJames Longenbach Two PoemsRodney Jack Wildflower SextetMichael Morse Three PoemsTerence Winch REVERSE Number Search for Chilly Evenings In HellFiction:Oksana Zabuzhko Field Work in Ukrainian SexJoyce Carol Oates Me&Wolfie, 1979J. M. G. Le Clézio PawanaLynne Sharon Schwartz Sightings of LorettaChitra Banerjee Divakaruni The Lives of StrangersCarolyn Cooke The Sugar-TitInterviewHalyna Hryn A Conversation with Oksana ZabuzhkoNon-Fiction:Yuri Andrukhovych Within Time, Down a RiverDeWitt Henry Innocents AbroadWallisWilde-Menozzi The Oneness of Music:Ilan Stavans Efraín Huerta: Epitaph for the CrocodileArt Feature:Joel Janowitz Three PaintingsBook Reviews:Diane Mehta Trading Letters and RiffsPeter Campion Rose AlleyDan Chiasson Montales CandorDocument: Randall Jarrell Previously unpublished poems and drafts of the last poem he wrote, From All the Hands of the Hillbilly Ranch






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