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作 者:

出 版 社:国防工业出版社


I S B N:9787118047288





  During the last two decades, some reconciliation of two distinct research fields, naval hydrodynamics and structural mechanics, has been achieved and a developing branch of science,hydroelasticity in marine technology, has made significant progress. This branch of science is concerned with the phenomena involving mutual interactions among inertial, hydrodynamic and
  elastic forces. The increasing variety of marine structures, both operating now and proposed, has highlighted the importance of the hydroelastic responses.
  The papers included in the proceedings cover wide and important areas of marine technology, including hydroelasticity-based load and response predictions, unsteady state and transient state + problems (whipping, springing, slamming, sloshing,impact, shock etc.), flow induced vibrations, full scale measurements of ships, very large floating structures, risers,cable and pipelines, fishing nets and cages, and devices for energy extraction etc.



Wave Loads and Responses
 Use of Hydroelasticity Analysis in Design
 The Non-Linear Hydroelastic Responses of a Ship Traveling in Waves
 The Influence of Structural Modeling on the Dynamic Behaviour of a Bulker in Waves
 The Effects of Water Depth on Wave-induced Loads of a Very Large FPSO By 3D Hydroelastic Theory
 Numerical and Experimental Study of the Dynamic Characteristics of a Simplified Compliant Buoyant Tower
 The Behaviour of Different Types of Aircushion Supported Structures
Full Scale Measurements
 Full Scale Wave and Whipping Induced Hull Girder Loads
Whipping, Springing and Slamming
 Experimental Investigation of The Ship Response to Bow and Stern Slamming Loads
 Springing/Whipping Response of a Large Ocean-going Vessel-Investigated by an Experimental Method
 Longitudinal Loads on a Container Ship in Extreme Regular Sea and Freak Wave
 New Criteria for the Detection of Slamming Events and Comparison with Theoretical Models
 Hydroelastic Impacts in the Tanks of LNG Carriers
 SPH Analysis of Hydrodynamic Impact, Including Hydrodynam Fluid-Structure Coupling
 Breaking Wave Impact onto Elastic Wall
 The Fluid-structure Interaction during the Water Impact of a Cylindrical Shell
 Compressible Jet Impact onto Elastic Panels
Sloshing and Fluid Tank
 Hydroelastic Sloshing Induced Impact with Entrapped Air
 A Numerical Investigation of Natural Characteristics of a Partially Filled Tank Using a Substructure Method
 An Experimental Study on Vibration Characteristics of A Thin Spherical Tank-Water Interaction System
 Transient Hydroelastic Responses of Acoustic Structure to Underwater Explosion Loads
Very Large Floating Structures
 Hydroelastic Response of the ISSC VLFS Benchmark
 Hydroelastic Behavior and Drift Force of a Very Large Mobile Offshore Structure in Waves
 Local and Global Hydroelastic Analysis of a VLFS
 Hydroelastic Analysis of Flexible Floating Structures with Rigid-Hinge-Mode
 Hydroelastic Response of VLFS Coupled with OWC-Type Breakwater
 Experimental and Numerical Study of the Wave Response of a Flexible Barge
 Hydroelastic Response of Very Large Floating Structures under the Combined Action of Waves and Currents
 Time Domain Analysis on Hydroelastic Response of VLFS Using Finite Element Method
 Fundamental Study on the Collapse Analysis of VLFS in Waves
 Unsteady Motion of a Two-Dimensional Elastic Plate Floating on the Surface of Deep Water
Flow Induced Vibration
 Vortex Induced Vibrations of Deepwater Rises and Pipelines--Review of Model Test Results
 Issues Important to VIV Suppression Design for Marine Applications
 VIV and Hydrodynamic Forces of Circular Cylinders Attached under a Flat Spring with Forced Oscillation Tests in Still Water
 Insight into Data from Forced Oscillation Tests in Prediction of VIV of Flexible Risers
 Effect of Strakes on Fatigure Damage due to Cross Flow VIV
Devices for Energy Extraction
Extreme Motion Predictions for Deepwater TLP Floaters for Offshore Wind Turbines
Wave Drifting Free Model Experiments with Flexible Fin
Risers, Cables and Pipelines
Transverse Motion of Towed Cables
Linear Dynamics of Catenary Risers
An Experimental Investigation of Interaction between Adjacent Spans in Pipelines
Fishing Nets and Cages
Fatigue Design of Floating Fish Farms Based on Load and Response Interaction
Dynamic Behaviour of a Complete Trawl Gear (Manoeuvrability and Security)
Model Investigation of Dynamic Behaviour and Wave Loads on a Fish Farm Cage
Author Index




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