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驯狮:投资成功 100 战略(英文原版进口)

驯狮:投资成功 100 战略(英文原版进口)

最 低 价:¥397.00

定 价:¥397.00


出 版 社:John Wiley*

出版时间:2006 年4月

I S B N:0731404637



  Richard Farleigh was born in Australia and, despife a difficult start in life, he went on to win a scholarship to study economics and econometrics at New South Wales University, and graduated with first-class honours. At 23 he joined Bankers Trust where he demonstrated a strong ability at trading financial markets. He achieved spectacular results by predicting big picture trends and also developed a number of successful trading models. In 1992 he was hired as head of a private hedge fund in Bermuda. He retired at 34 and moved to Monte Carlo. He now invests in small companies, and has been involved with over 50 start-ups -- many of which have floated or been acquired.


in this fascinating book, richard farleigh reveals the investing strategies that have taken him from a modest start in australia to being one of europe's most influential entrepreneurs and a resident of high-rolling monaco. the knowledge and wisdom gained along the way -- from managing the sydney trading desk at bankers trust and his time heading up a powerful hedge fund in bermuda -- is invaluable for all investors, regardless of expertise. farleigh takes you step by step through the 100 strategies he has developed to enable consistent success in the markets. his methodology is based on disciplined observation and reasoning, and has enabled him to outperform the market on a regular basis.
   the (sometimes controversial) beliefs that he incorporates into his strategies include:
  markets tend to underreact, not overreact
  big, obvious ideas offer great opportunities.
  it is safe to invest with a consensus view.
  contrarian trading is usually irrational.
  it is best to enter and exit the sharemarket at the right times instead of always staying invested.
  price trends are well known but under-utilised.
  chartists are just astrologers.
  investment and trading are increasingly similar.



100 secret strategies for investing
a brief biography
a day in the life
1 markets
2 comparative advantages
3 risk
4 patterns and anomalies
5 big ideas
6 small companies
7 price behaviour
8 the understanding and use of trends in prices
9 market timing
10 avoiding temptation




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