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财产出租导论 第2版(英文原版进口)

财产出租导论 第2版(英文原版进口)

最 低 价:¥542.00

定 价:¥542.00

作 者:BIEN

出 版 社:John Wiley*

出版时间:2006 年9月

I S B N:0470029218




Whether you want to become a property tycoon or just rent out a second home, this guide to the UK rental market is your roadmap to success. Now fully updated with extra coverage on tax issues and company formation,let successful landlords Melanie Bien and Robert Griswold show you how to buy the right property, avoid legal problems, retain the best tenants,and maximise your rental income.


Melanie Bien is an Associate Director at Savills Private Finance and a former

personal finance editor for The Independent on Sunday. Melanie is a regular

commentator on rental property for national newspapers and magazines.

Robert Griswold lectures at the Institute for Real Estate Management.
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partⅰ: so you want to be a landlord?
chapter 1: do you have what it takes to manage a buy-to-let property?
chapter 2: deciding whether to manage your property yourself or to hir,an agent
chapter 3: finding the perfect rental property
partⅱ: renting your property
chapter 4: preparing your rental property for prospective tenants
chapter 5: rent, deposits, and tenancy agreements: the big three of property management
chapter 6: generating interest in your rental property
chapter 7: handling prospective tenants and showing the property
chapter 8: eenie, meenie, miney, mo: selecting your tenants
partⅱ: the brass tacks of managing rentals
chapter 9: moving in the tenant
chapter 10: collecting and increasing rent
chapter 11: keeping good tenants - and your sanity
chapter 12: dealing with problem tenants
chapter 13: moving out tenants
partⅳ: techniques and tools for managing
chapter 14: maintenance
chapter 15: safety, security, and insurance
.partⅴ: money, money, money!
chapter 16: raising the cash to buy your rental property
chapter 17: avoiding property taxes
chapter 18: using a company to hold your property
chapter 19: financial management and recordkeeping
partⅵ: only for the daring
chapter 20: government programmes
chapter 21: working in niche markets: students, pets, and smokers
partⅶ: the part of tens
chapter 22: ten reasons to become a rental property owner
chapter 23: ten ways to get and keep full occupancy in your property
chapter 24: ten ways to increase cash flow
appendix: resources




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